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蒂姆“希普曼自华盛顿报道。Tim Shipman reports from Washington.

希普曼坚不认罪,他的动机依然成谜。Shipman firmly refused to plead guilty. His motives remain a mystery.

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儿子的性格演员罗伯特基思及舞台演员赫勒拿薛明。Son of character actor Robert Keith and stage actress Helena Shipman.

下午坐船去监狱岛看乌龟和游泳。让船夫黄昏时来接。Afternoon to Prison inland, and let the shipman pick up at sunset time.

奈尔.希普曼走遍全国导演野生动物的冒险电影。Nell Shipman traveled the country directing wild life adventures films.

之后,据卡恩斯称,希普曼要求卡恩斯向其他人展示雨刷控制。Then, according to Kearns, Shipman asked him to show his wiper control to the rest of the team.

接着薛明的进攻和拦网给了对方很大的压力,接比分拉开。Mr Shipman went on the offensive and to block a lot of pressure on the other side, then opened the score.

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哈罗德。希普曼医生是英国最多产的连环杀手,然而在他的身后,还有许许多多同样恶名昭彰的杀人狂魔。Dr Harold Shipman was the UK's most prolific serial killer, but he heads a long line of infamous murderers.

是华南地区最大的普通船员教育和培训基地。Ltd of China Shipping Group. Nowadays, GMTSS is the biggest education and training base for the common shipman.

他们说诺瓦克命令希普曼驾车,当她拒绝时,诺瓦克就用胡椒粉喷雾喷她的脸。They say Nowak asked Shipman for a ride in her car, and when she refused, Nowak shot pepper spray into Shipman 's face.

警方说诺瓦克后来告诉他们她正在和希普曼谈航天飞机的驾驶员比尔·欧弗兰。Police said Nowak later told them that she was trying to initiate a conversation with Shipman about space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein.

因为据希普曼表示,雨刷是安全项目,法律规定在福特同卡恩斯签署协议前,需全部解密工作原理。Wipers were a safety item, Shipman explained, and the law required disclosure of all the engineering before Ford could give Kearns a contract.

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据每日快报报导,调查所获结论是希普曼在悬壶三十年期间杀害约三百名病患,每日电讯报指称精确数字是二百九十七人。According to the daily newspaper The Express, the inquiry concludes that shipman murdered about 300 patients during his 30 years of medical career.

这个来自英格兰的全科医师被控告杀害了15个人,多为年老的妇女,据推测,他可能杀害了215人。Harold Shipman. This general practitioner from England was charged with murder of 15 people, many elderly women, with a figure of 215 murders speculated.

诺瓦克和海军指挥官欧弗兰的关系尚不明晓,但官员们相信希普曼和他有段恋爱关系。It is unclear what kind of relationship Nowak had with Navy Commander Oefelein, but officials say she believed Shipman was romantically involved with him.

本文报道了南水北调东线微山湖区2006年开展的船渔民血吸虫病调查结果。This paper reported the result of epidemiological survey in 2006 on schistosomiasis among shipman and fisherman in Weishan Lake area of South-to-North water diversion.