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博科圣地的策略随着时间不断改变。Boko Haram's tactics have changed over time.

博科圣地组织看上去越来越支持自杀性爆炸的使用。Boko Haram increasingly seems to favor the use of suicide bombings.

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而自从2009,伊斯兰极端组织博客圣地组织开始对尼日利亚进行恐怖袭击。And since 2009, Boko Haram a militant Islamic group has been terrorizing Nigeria.

尼日利亚警方认为,伊斯兰激进组织博科圣地背后操纵这起爆炸事件。The Nigerian police believe the Islamic militant group Boko Haram is behind the bombing.

博科圣地武装分子通常袭击村庄并绑架人质,迫使他们成为穆斯林。Boko Haram militants often raid villages and kidnap people, forcing them to become Muslim.

萨尼表示,政府应当解决处理导致博科圣地发出诉求的更广泛的社会因素。Sani says the government should address the broader social factors that contribute to Boko Haram's appeal.

尼日利亚的阿达马瓦州、约比州和博尔诺州情况最为严重,这些地方是博科圣地最为活跃的区域。The conditions are worst in Nigeria's states of Adamawa, Yobe and Borno, areas where Boko Haram is most active.

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伊斯兰激进组织博科圣地组织最近占领了巴嘎城镇,据目击者称当地数百人被杀。The Islamist militant group Boko Haram recently captured the town of Baga and eyewitnesses say hundreds were killed.

西方安全官员表示,“博科圣地”可能与北非“伊斯兰马格里布基地组织”有关联。Western security officials say Boko Haram may have ties to the north African group known as al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.

博科圣地组织在迈杜古里势力很大,在该镇的有些地区,军方目前将宵禁延长到24小时。In some areas of Maiduguri, which has a strong Boko Haram presence, the army has now extended the night-time curfew to 24 hours.

尼日利亚北部城市迈杜古利一所警察局在博科圣地伊斯兰教派别所发动的袭击中被毁坏。A police station in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri has been destroyed in an attack blamed on the Boko Haram Islamic sect.

萨尼表示,政府现在必须明白,仅仅把博科圣地当作一个安全方面的威胁,是无法结束暴力的。Sani says the government must now understand that approaching Boko Haram exclusively as a security threat will not end the violence.

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这个委员会建议和博科圣地开启对话谈判,但是前提条件是博科圣地要放弃一切形式的暴力并交出他们的武器。That committee recommended opening talks with Boko Haram, but only after it renounces all forms of violence and surrenders its arms.

国外投资者中很很多人已经在很紧张地观察博科圣地的扩张,这些国外投资者可能开始减少他们在尼日利亚的出现。Foreign investors, many of whom have already been nervously watching Boko Haram's expansion, could begin to reduce their presence in Nigeria.

人权观察周二报道,博科圣地组织自2009年以来已杀死611名教师。That has included launching war on Western education. Human Rights Watch reported Tuesday that Boko Haram has killed 611 teachers since 2009.

在迈杜古里郊区,伊斯兰博科圣地武装组织嫌疑成员包围了学生并开枪。Suspected members of the Islamist militant group known as Boko Haram rounded up students on the outskirts of Maiduguri town and then opened fire.

尼日利亚军队表示,今天下午突袭北部城市卡诺一栋建筑时,他们击毙了伊斯兰反叛组织“博科圣地”14名可疑成员。Nigerian troops say they've killed 14 suspected members of the Islamist rebel group Boko Haram in a raid on a building in the northern city of Kano.

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所有的这些发展可能意味着一个不那么安全、不太繁荣并且不太团结的尼日利亚,可能结果会很悲哀地给予博客圣地动力。All these developments could mean a less secure, prosperous, and cohesive Nigeria -- an outcome that could, sadly, give even more momentum to Boko Haram.

他的塔利班派别在北部数省与护卫军的武装冲突。其中数百人丧生。His Boko Haram sect has been involved in fierce clashes with the security forces across several northern states in which hundreds of people have been killed.

然而镇压的残忍激怒了当地人,激起了对于公安机关的反抗,并且可能促进博科圣地招聘新员工的增加。Yet the brutality of the crackdown has angered locals, prompting protests against security forces and possibly driving an increase in Boko Haram's recruitment.