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他成了邻居们嘲讽的对象。He became a taunt to his neighbours.

它们并不会在一旁嘲笑你,迫使你看完已经开始的书。They do not taunt you to finish what you started.

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到了正午,以利亚嬉笑他们,说,大声求告吧。At noon Elijah began to taunt them. 'Shout louder!' he said.

不要反复喊着“失败者”或者奚落他们。Don't chant things like "loser" or taunt them when they lose.

还有哪些人我们可以嘲笑戏弄,不用害怕遭到报应?And what other group could we taunt without fear of retribution?

囚禁者们一直在我面前悬挂着奇形怪状而且晃来晃去的小物体,以此来嘲弄我。My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.

就总统先生的政治倾向而言,这类一反常态的亲密举止简直是一种讽刺。It was a taunt that the president chose, uncharacteristically, not to dismiss.

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绑起来的狗根本无法从哪些想戏弄挑逗可怜的动物的人那里逃脱。A dog that is tied up has no way to escape anyone who wants to tease or taunt the poor animal.

仪玉立讥讽华山派才是伪君子,而令狐冲是真英雄大丈夫。Instrument and graceful taunt huashan pie is a hypocrite, and linghu chong is the true hero real man.

当我们的网上老鼠奚落他们的队手,他们得确保自己有个藏身之处。When our Internet mice taunt their adversaries, they make sure to have a bolt-hole right next to them.

尤金也跟大伙儿一起跪在地上,手心里握着最后的半元钱,也不理会辛格在旁边冷言冷语地讥诮他。Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt.

尤金跪在地上跳棋盘边,手心里握着最后的半元钱,不理会旁边辛格的冷言冷语。Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt.

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在减肥产品上有这些信息在撩拨着那些正在寻找快速而便利的减肥方法的消费者。Messaged like these on weight-loss products taunt consumers looking for a quick and easy way to shed pounds.

在减肥产品上有这些音讯在挑逗着那些正在寻觅快速而便利的减肥方法的消耗者。Messages like these on weight-loss products taunt consumers looking for a quick and easy way to shed pounds.

你是一个容易教的人住在被总是为你的态度嘲弄你的这些以高速行走的人呆子居住的一条街道。You are a docile guy living in a street inhabited by these speedster goons who always taunt you for your demeanor.

看着Sam讥讽人类形态的Lucky叼着个球或是嘲笑Lucky的领子实在是很有意思——就好像Sam自己有灵魂似的。Watching Sam taunt Lucky in human form with a ball, or laugh at his collar, was just funny – even if you do have a soul.

我建议那些唏嘘不已的曼联球迷应该扯下老特拉福德的横幅,然后想想新花样吧。I suggest those mocking Manchester United fans rip down that banner at Old Trafford and think of something else to taunt City about.

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当我们在竞选期间狭路相逢的时候,我经常得压制有点无情的冲动,克制自己不去嘲弄他或是扭他的脖子。When our paths crossed during the campaign, I often had to suppress the rather uncharitable urge to either taunt him or wring his neck.

艺术家张乙迪的作品是用幽默的手法,讥讽人们在欲望游戏中的百态,他是一位带着微笑批判现实主义的艺术家。Zhang Yidi mixes humor into his drawings to taunt diversified people seduced by desire. He becomes an artist criticizing realism with a smile.

第二阶段,让一个副坦对王施放嘲讽。但是要小心横扫攻击,所以要确定整个团队不会站在副坦要把王带到的地方。Phase 2 have the 2nd tank taunt the boss and be careful of the cleave so make sure the raid is not next to where the 2nd tank is bringing the boss.