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我只带了一只来。I brought it with me.

是它把你带到了这里。It brought thee hither.

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他把它带给马蒂。He brought it to Maudie.

命运将我们连在一起。Fate brought us together.

是的,我带了斗蓬来。Yeah, I brought the cloak.

给你带了点鲶鱼。I brought you some catfish.

我给你带来些外卖。I brought you some takeout.

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冰水使克莉丝苏醒过来。Ice-water brought Chris to.

什么风把你刮来了?What have brought you here?

我给你带字母汤来了。I brought you alphabet soup.

我们报喜来了。We've brought you good news.

两者能协力共处吗?Can they be brought together?

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她给我们端来三杯咖啡。She brought us three coffees.

我们扛来了最后两个柜子。We brought the last two bins.

还带着儿子。And she brought her son along.

他陷入贫困之中。He brought himself to poverty.

他给我端过来一杯咖啡。He brought me a cup of coffee.

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他是由姨妈养育大的。He was brought up by his aunt.

我给你带了蛋白杏仁饼干!I brought you back a macaroon.

那舵手把我们的船掉过头来。The helmsman brought us about.