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牛柳与腌料拌匀。Mix beef with marinade.

猪肉与腌料拌匀。Mix pork with marinade.

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虾排水井,保留腌料。Drain shrimp well, reserving marinade.

鲩鱼肉洗净,切片,下腌料拌匀。Wash fish and slice. Mix with marinade.

鸡髀去骨,用腌料及露丝玛莉香草略腌。Bone chicken thigh. Marinate with marinade and rosemary.

拌好的腌酱即置于鸡皮与鸡肉之间。Insert the blended marinade between the skin and the meat.

把虾洗干净,滤干然后腌制15分钟。Clean shrimps, drain and mix with marinade for 15 minutes.

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将腌渍的材料全部倒在一个碗里搅拌均匀。Pour all of the marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

虾球洗净后用腌料搅拌均匀,腌渍30分钟。Wash the shelled shrimps and mix with marinade for 30 minutes.

将鸡肉与和合泰式红咖喱酱拌匀,腌制半小时。Marinade chicken with Woh Hup Thai Red Curry Paste for 30 minutes.

这坛子老汤下次腌咸菜时还可以用,不要倒掉。This jar of old marinade can be used next time. Don't pour it away.

将腌汁材料放入瓷碗或玻璃容器里拌匀。Combine all the marinade ingredients in a ceramic or glass dish bowl.

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以生抽、盐、粟粉及葡萄籽油把牛肋肉腌匀。Marinade the beef with soy sauce, salt, cornflour and grape seed oil.

将橄榄油,柠檬汁和干的调料混合在一起,做成腌汁。Combine olive oil, lemon juice and dry ingredients to create marinade.

这些牛排已经浸在红酒酱汁中一个小时了。The steaks have been marinating in this red-wine marinade for an hour.

腌泡汁可以起屏障作用,防止火焰接触肉食。A marinade may act as a barrier, keeping flames from touching the meat.

烹制时卤汁要浓厚,紧包对虾,以便入味。Marinade during cooking to be a strong, tight package shrimp for tasty.

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鲮鱼肉加腌料,顺一方向拌匀成鱼肉粉浆。Add marinade into the dace paste and stir in one direction until sticky.

将鱼肉批片,切成长4厘米块状,加腌料拌渍1小时。Cut the fish fillets into 4cm chunks and add in marinade for about 1 hour.

九制?皮切碎,加入一字排一齐腌两小时。Mince preserved tangerine peel, add to spare ribs and marinade for 2 hours.