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向意大义前进!Forward to Italy!

只要上前Just come forward.

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向前开近路边石。Forward to the curb.

我期待着去崂山。I look forward to it.

还是我们将向前迈进呢?Or will we go forward?

我们正在不断前进。We are moving forward.

向前拱了一步卒。He moved a pawn forward.

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领引脚趾点转寄。Lead toe points forward.

我跳了起来,滚了起来。I jumped up roll forward.

那匹马突然向前冲。The horse leaped forward.

这是一条向前走的道路。So there is a path forward.

你船的前吃水是多少?What is your draft forward?

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朝我所向往的化蛹前进。Look at me the pupa forward.

将时钟拨快一小时。Put a clock an hour forward.

她扬起下巴。She jutted her chin forward.

我们知道如何向前挺进。We know how to move forward.

他向前趴倒在土里。He fell forward in the filth.

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他驱马向前。He spurred his horse forward.

期待尽快收到您的回复。I look forward to your reply!

吸气向前到斜板式。Inhale forward to Plank Pose.