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诗的光环消失了。The glamour of poesy is gone.

我要展开诗歌的无形羽翼But on the viewless wings of Poesy

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我们听听诗歌“星星月亮齐欢迎”,看看诗歌里怎么说?Let's listen to a poesy how to say ?

温暖才是诗意的本质。That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.

他的欢喜,他的诗,在风前轻摇。His joys, his poesy frolicked on the breeze.

在陈染文本中,处处可见她的艺术心境和诗意表达。The expression of art mind and poesy in her novels.

穆旦以战争为题材的诗歌塑造了很多的英雄形象。Mu Dan had made many heroic images in his war poesy.

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水给喧闹的城市注入自然的生机与诗意。Water injects natural life and poesy into a noisy city.

研究小说卷中诗词的学术意义。Finally, study the academic values of poesy in classic novels.

给自行车手身上加上翅膀,再增添一份浪漫和诗意的感觉。Add wings on one's body , add one more the feelings of romance and poesy.

第二章论述宫体在梁代大量出现的原因。Secondly, discuss the reason why Gongti poesy abundance in Liang dynasty.

让我吃惊的是,那个经理竟然和我讨论中国诗歌。To my surprise, the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me.

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令我吃惊的是,那个经理还试图和我谈论中国诗歌。To my surprise, the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me.

题画诗是一种典型的中国文化的派生物。Poesy on Chinese painting is a kind of typical derivation of Chinese culture.

诗歌之美,在于不同层面的适当组合,在于富有创造性的布局。The beauty of poesy rests with suitable combination of different lays and creative layout.

六朝赋对唐代诗歌的影响问题,历来少有人关注。The influence of Six Dynasties lyrical odes on the poesy of Tang Dynasty is seldom noticed.

杜甫长安十年诗歌创作内容丰富,形式多样。The ten-years poesy of Du Fu in Chang'an was abundance in content and multiplicity in form.

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这一时期的生活积累、诗歌创作,既是对前期的继承,也是对后来的开启。The life accumulation and poesy of this period, was inherited the past and worked for the Later.

水体是自然界中最富有生命力的元素,给日渐拥挤繁忙的城市带来生机和活力。Water is the liveliest emphases in the nature, and injects natural life and poesy into a noisy city.

中华民族几千年积累的古典诗歌,是中化文化的瑰宝。Classic poesy is the treasure of Chinese culture which is accumulated for thousand of years in china.