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那是我的意见。That’s my opinion.

意见领袖。One , opinion cacique.

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我坚持自己的意见。I maintained my opinion.

那么,你的观点是什么呢?So what is your opinion?

我完全赞成你的意见。I’m all for your opinion.

它的意见算数么?Should its opinion count?

你与他们观点相同吗?Do you share this opinion?

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我很在意你的想法。I care about your opinion.

但那只是一厢情愿的想法。But that's just an opinion.

这只是我个人的见解。That's just my own opinion.

我不反对你的观点。I'mnot against your opinion.

他的意见与我们的不一致。His opinion jarred with ours.

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我个人意见是返朴归真。My individual opinion is art.

但这只是我的个人观点。But that's my opinion as well.

他的意见与我的意见不一致。His opinion clashed with mine.

我来颁发一下我的浅见。Let me give my humble opinion.

最好再扣问一下其他的意见。You may want a second opinion.

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别人的意见——我断然拒绝。For man's opinion -- I defy it.

那男孩大胆提出他的意见。The boy adventured his opinion.

公众舆论也许会一致起来。The public opinion may solidify.