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我把股利画出来Now I'm plotting dividends.

他们正密谋杀害他。They are plotting his murder.

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他们正密谋反对他。They are plotting against him.

增加了校正时间能力。Added real-time plotting capability.

他在彼得大帝结束了一次欧洲旅行He is plotting against his own father.

录井图必须用的绘图笔绘制。Special pen should be used for log plotting.

他们蓄谋推翻政府。They are plotting to overthrow the government.

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他因阴谋篡夺皇位而被绞死。He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king.

红衣主教黎塞留是阴谋反对安妮女王。Cardinal Richelieu is plotting against Queen Anne.

那部电影的情节和故事阐述真是超级烂。The movie's exposition and plotting are mega-lame.

第5版已完成注册策划能力!Version 5 has complete log plotting capabilities! ! !

在任意情况下,研究者正在绘制可选路径。In any case, researchers are plotting alternate routes.

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这些都是传统标图中难以克服解决的问题。These are difficult to overcome in traditional plotting.

我怎么觉得你要密谋称霸世界呢?。Why do I have the feeling you're plotting world domination?

一些顽固分子正在密谋颠覆政府。Some diehards are plotting to bring the new government down.

这些人因密谋反对政府而被监禁。The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government.

雷达标绘是雷达避碰的基础。Radar plotting is the basis of collision avoidance with radar.

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他指责波卡涅拉策划绑架阿米莉亚和试图刺杀他。He accuses Boccanegra of plotting the abduction and tries to stab him.

我们通过绘图可以看到,每一个时间单元这个酒鬼走出了多远。And we saw that by plotting how far the drunk was after each time unit.

“共谋共同正犯”这一概念在研究中有必要予以确认。It's necessary to use the concept of "plotting co-principals" in study.