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现在坐飞机是平常事。Air travel is a commonplace nowadays.

他所说的无非是老生常谈而已。What he has said is a mere commonplace.

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他所说的不过是尘俗之见而已。What he has said is a mere commonplace view.

我正在谈论的是通俗的思想观点。I'm talking about the view that's commonplace.

在公共场所随地吐痰和打嗝很常见。Spitting and burping in public is commonplace.

在这个国家,非法翻印曾经是司空见惯的。Pirating used to be commonplace in this country.

太空科学家想法古怪是不足为奇的。Wacky ideas are commonplace among space scientists.

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在卖方市场中数倍的出价是很平常的。Multiple offers are commonplace in seller's markets.

流浪和乞讨在伦敦已变得很常见。Vagrancy and begging has become commonplace in London.

兼职工作和工作分担制会成为很平常的事。Part-time work and job sharing will become commonplace.

诗人能把平凡的事物描绘得有声有色。He was an unambitious man destined for a commonplace job.

他是一个没有野心的人,注定要找一个平凡的工作。He was an unambitious man destined for a commonplace job.

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布用多磕-人们到月球妹行会变瓷常禁的事了。Soon will be commonplace for people to travel to the moon.

请允许我用不那么平庸的方式。Permit me then , in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet.

你一旦开始多任务工作,这种记忆漏洞就常常发生。Once you start multi-focusing, these lapses are commonplace.

他的妻子是一个相当平凡的女人,大约四十五岁左右。His wife was a rather commonplace woman, of about forty-five.

比起喷鼻格里拉这个名字,这一幕它的意味则要浅近平凡一些。It's all a little more commonplace than the name Shangri-La implies.

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移动商务最终将变得与在线购物一样常见。M-commerce will eventually become as commonplace as online shopping.

然而即便在最普通的场合我也琢摸不透你的心思。Yet on the most commonplace occasion I can never know your thoughts.

不过,交通混乱和插队的情况依然普遍。However, traffic chaos is still commonplace and queue-jumping continues.