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在英国都铎王朝时期,猪肉是农村主要的肉类来源。Pork was the main meat of the peasant in Tudor times.

他们住在乡间有一座都铎时代的华宅。They live in a magnificent Tudor house in the country.

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对都铎王朝的统治者而言,所有天主教教徒都是潜在的叛国者。To the Tudor State, all Catholics were potential traitors.

保罗·都铎·琼斯,对冲基金经理,关于他的导师艾礼·杜利斯。Paul Tudor Jones, hedge fund manager, on his mentor Eli Tullis.

他这样做是为了都铎王朝能有一名男性继承人。He was motivated by the hope of fathering a male heir to the Tudor Dynasty.

他的父亲,亨利七世,是特德家族首位成为英国统治者的人。His father, Henry VII, was the first of the Tudor family of English rulers.

尤文图斯后卫伊戈尔·多尔准备在这个夏天转会到英超。Juventus defender Igor Tudor is set to move to the Premiership this summer.

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都铎王朝处在英法百年战争和红白玫瑰战争结束之后。The Tudor Dynasty was founded after the Hundred Years War and the Rose War.

利沃诺正在尝试得到尤文的铁卫图多尔。Livorno have approached Juventus over the availability of defender Igor Tudor.

过去图多尔已经吸引了来自博尔顿、米德尔斯堡和西布朗的兴趣。In the past, Tudor has attracted interest from Bolton, Middlesbrough and West Brom.

黑白军团也可能加上约纳坦?泽比纳或伊戈尔?图多尔,来折抵部分转会费。The Bianconeri may also include the Jonathan Zebina or Igor Tudor in part exchange.

都铎宛,您在新伯明翰中心区置业的好机会。Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham.

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翻看都铎新闻报纸,可以找到适于付版的内部消息。Check out the Tudor tatler for the inside scoop on all the news that was fit to print.

英国的政治传统,决定了都铎王朝较低的财政供养率。The political tradition of Tudor dynasty determines its low rate of financial support.

迎国都铎王朝时期,公猪看起来很像野猪,比现在圈养的红色猪更好看。The tudor pig was nearer to the wild boar in looks than our very round pink pigs of today.

伊莉莎白是都铎王朝的最后一位君主,她能与议会共事。Elizabeth I was the last monarch of the Tudor Dynasty. She was able to work with Paliament.

泽比纳还没有完全恢复,而图多尔和莱罗塔列要找到状态还需要时间。Zebina is not yet back to full fitness and Tudor and Legrottaglie will also need more time.

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中堂于1376年开始改建,间断地持续至都铎时代。The rebuilding of the nave was begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.

同样的,他说,都铎王朝以他们的威尔士继承权为依将亚瑟王划为自己的人。Likewise, he says, the Tudor dynasty appropriated Arthur on the basis of their Welsh heritage.

2002年,他甚至在都铎市某个公园的长椅上安置了一小块写着贝丝名字的纪念牌。In 2002, he saw to it that a bench inone of Tudor City’s parks bears a plaque with Beth’s name on it.