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那对下一点来说就是个很好的继续。Which is a good segue to the next point.

而且,这也是通胀与通缩辩论的继续。And that's as good a segue as any to the inflation-vs.-deflation debate.

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这个时候就是延续主题和更多个人天性的连接。Now is the time to segue into topics and connections of a more personal nature.

它还可以作为进入下一会议,评审体系结构要求的逻辑纽带。It also acts as a logical segue into the next session, Reviewing architectural needs.

当用户点击一个按钮时,它触发一个segue来实例化另一个视图控制器。When a user taps on a button, it triggers a segue to instantiate another view controller.

他的故事并不能娱乐大众,而是一种近乎疯狂的行为。There is a point at which his stories stop working as entertainment and segue into sadism.

这是进入你的“议程”的一种更自然的过渡,给那些能给予你帮助的人留下印象。That’s a more organic segue into your agenda — making an impression on someone who could help your career.

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在本例中,跳转是一个推送跳转,就是说目标场景从右到左滑到源场景上。In this case, the segue is a push segue, which means that the destination scene slides over the source scene from right to left.

即使能够传达有用的信息,最好也别用,原因请看下点。Even if the Flash intro does convey useful information, this is still ill-advised, which allows me to segue nicely to my next point.

数个世纪以来人们一直都在探讨电脑科技的价值并进而谈到它对我们的生活所可能造成的威胁。For centuries people have been talking about the value of computer technology and segue to potential threat it could cast on our life.

“我脑子里有个模糊的想法,我以为要是他自己有什么兴趣拍这个题材的话,这应该是个说出来的好机会,”格林沃尔德告诉我。"In the back of my mind, I thought if he had any interest in making a film, that would be a good segue for him to say so, " Greenwald told me.

如果你和朋友正在商量该买这件红色衬衫还是该买那件蓝色衬衫,此时你便可趁机向你的目标征求意见。If you and your friend are debating whether to buy the tight red shirt versus the tight blue shirt, it’s a fairly easy segue to asking the stranger for their opinion.

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培训模块主要包括认知领域、精神运动领域和情感领域三大方面,考核模块主要包括标准化试题、客观结构化考试、SEGUE量表考核。The training module include three aspects of cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain, assessment module include standardization test paper and OSCE and SEGUE scale assessment.

与1998年时那类以往的经济危机不同,中国目前重点支持基础设施建设的经济刺激措施不大可能推动出口的反弹,因为世界其他地区的经济复苏将很缓慢。Unlike in previous economic crises, such as 1998, current infrastructure-focused stimulus efforts are unlikely to segue neatly into a rebound in export markets, as recovery elsewhere will be slow.