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催产素是关键吗?Could oxytocin be the key?

催产素是一种神经激素。Oxytocin is a neurohormone.

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催产素还可能充当资本积累的工具。Oxytocin may also be a capitalist tool.

催产素是一种心脏保护激素。Oxytocin is a cardio-protective hormone.

为什么男人不比女人获得更多的荷尔蒙?Why don’t men get more oxytocin than women?

抗利尿激素和催产素就是从这里进入这个科学传说的。This is where the vasopressin and oxytocin come in.

加压素也可以提高催产素的水平。Vasopressin can also work to increase the levels of oxytocin.

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他们发现,接触越多,催产素越高。They found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels.

催产素是人体和动物体内自然产生的一种激素。Oxytocin is produced naturally in the bodies of humans and animals.

他们计划生产含有药物催产素干粉。They plan to manufacture a dry powder containing the drug oxytocin.

吮吸导致母亲体内催产素和催乳素的释放。Suckling causes the release of oxytocin and prolactin in the mother.

但一些商家已经将催生素作为医疗羞怯手段。But some entrepreneurs are already touting oxytocin as a shyness cure.

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催产素是一种激发人类亲密和爱情的荷尔蒙激素。Oxytocin is the hormone that induces feelings of affiliation and love.

下一次,如果能够从整个房间中认出一位老朋友,可要感谢催产素哟!The next time you spot an old friend from across the room, thank oxytocin.

当婴儿吮吸过久,后叶催产素的生成就会出现混乱。When babies stay on a breast for too long, oxytocin production is disrupted.

“催产素激起我们心底有相濡以沫的渴望,”布里顿说。"Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond, " Britton says.

当情侣相互搂抱、母亲哺乳婴儿时,他们体内的催产素水平就会急速上升。When lovers cuddle or a mother breastfeeds, their levels of oxytocin shoot up.

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研究表明,在高潮中释放的催产素也有促进睡眠的功效。The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research.

开始进行催产素输注前应进行骨盆检查。A pelvic examination should be performed before initiation of oxytocin infusion.

催生素鼻喷雾剂的效用不仅仅限于自闭症。The effects of oxytocin nasal spray are not limited to those with autism either.