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太太贴心的帮罗会长抓龙。Chairman Tony Lo was massaged by his wife intimately.

我能丝丝入扣地在自我当中感受角色之所在。I feel intimately inside myself where the role belongs.

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本周羊羊要避免与客户或者同事过于亲密。Avoid being intimately involved with clients or colleagues.

一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈,他便会醋劲大发。If other men spoke to her intimately he was immediately jealous.

那是曾和乐观主义者过从甚密的人。That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist.

而这就给了我一次更深入了解这个城市的机会。This gave me an opportunity to get to know the city more intimately.

在孕期的九个月中母子俩密切相连。The two are intimately connected during the nine months of pregnancy.

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在古代羽毛的研究领域,中科院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所的古生物学家徐星是当仁不让的权威专家。Few scientists know ancient feathers more intimately than IVPP's Xu Xing.

你是那个唯一能深入了解你自己的目标和价值观的人。You are the only person that intimately understands your goals and values.

在有些高级矿石内,斑晶紧连着假晶。In some high-grade ores, phenocrysts adhere intimately to the pseudomorphs.

而天父必亲切地接待我们,正如衪接待祂自己的儿子一般。And the heavenly Father receives us as intimately as he receives his own Son.

蛋白质的功能与结构密切相关You know that the function of a protein is intimately related to its structure.

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而且每当我越发的读圣经,我内再就有更大的渴望想要认识祂、更亲近祂。And the more I read His Word, the more hungry I was to know, Him more intimately.

如此中国字暗示著,政治和治水掌管众生,唇齿相依、相辅相成。Politics and water control, the Chinese character implies, are intimately linked.

有人专心爱我,懂透了天主的事情,能甫高妙的道理。For a certain man by loving Me intimately learned divine truths and spoke wonders.

现在的一些年轻人当众亲热,毫不避忌,实在是不应该。Today some young couples behave intimately in the public, which should be avoided.

这一范畴的提出是与他的人生观和艺术观紧密相连的。This category is related to his philosophy and artistic view firmly and intimately.

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此外,正如你所说,他们是谷歌软件产品的开发者,对这些产品的功能知根知底。And, as you say, they have built the products and know intimately how they function.

我刚才在告诉梅斯顿·莱尔夫人说,从他一生下来我就很熟悉他呢。I was telling Mrs Mayston Ryle that I've known him intimately ever since he was born.

盆地内有机质丰度与铀异常关系密切。The abundance of organic material and the uranium abnormal have the intimately relation.