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但总而言之,我们已经进入美好事物的叠加循环中。But overall, we have moved into a vicious cycle of niceness.

你不能用逻辑,礼物和美好的事物“说服”一个女人。and you can't "convince" a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.

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当“做好人”比真相和诚实更重要时,问题就会被覆盖,淹没。Problems get buried when "niceness" is more important than realism and honesty.

其乐融融的气氛蚕食了他们的畏惧心理,他们对危险也不再警觉。The outbreak of niceness has eroded their fear and they are no longer alert to danger.

有各式的借口可提出来反对再次强调亲民姿态。There are all sorts of quibbles to be raised against this renewed emphasis on niceness.

美国人喜欢呈现美好的事物,对邪恶的事物则十分厌恶。America rewards up front, on-your-sleeve niceness. A perceived wicked streak is somewhat frowned upon.

美好事物后面的真相你都知道吗?希望每个人都可以挖掘人生背后的故事,做一个睿智善良的人!Do you know the truth behind niceness?I hope everyone can dig the story behind life to be a kind and Sagacity man!

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每一只蜘蛛,每一条乌贼,都能比又快又猛的拳击手还快地打倒你,在这样一个地方,你所珍重的是动物王国里的文雅。In a place where every spider and squid can take you down faster than a sucker punched boxer you cherish niceness in the animal kingdom.

那没有通胀、稳定增长的时期已经过去了。接下来将变得让人不愉快,是时候总结教训了,“美好”或许是个错误。The Nice – non-inflationary, consistently expansionary – decade has gone. The next decade is going to be nasty. It is time to start learning lessons. "Niceness" proved a mistake.

此外,“小国寡民”是老子设想的理想世界、桃花源,这与我们现在所说的“小的是美好”的思想不谋而合。Besides, "small territory and population" is the ideal world imagined by Laotse which happens have the same view with the thought we are talking now "small thing is the niceness".