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他们强行使他签署这个契约。They bulldoze him into signing the contract.

然而,最重要的事情是不要用推土机推平贫民窟。But the main thing is not to bulldoze the slums.

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清除那堆垃圾他们也许得用推土机。To clear that rubbish away they may have to bulldoze.

如果你认为我是个失败者那你为什么还非要我给你买咖啡?If you think I'm a loser, why did you bulldoze me into buying you coffee?

他们会将酒店拆掉,然后建造豪宅、一家美甲沙龙以及一个甜甜圈专卖店。They'll bulldoze it and build luxury homes, a nail salon, a doughnut shop.

我能不用我的一生开推土机但是因为我想推你的。I can't run a bulldozer through my life just because I want to bulldoze yours.

人民因不满政府出于开发目的而铲平伊斯坦布尔公园的计划。People were upset about the government's plan to bulldoze a park in Istanbul for development.

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如果你抑制自己的感情,你会错过优雅和真正幸福的机会。If you bulldoze over your feelings, you could miss the opportunity for grace and authentic happiness.

以某型多用工程车的推土装置为分析对象。The bulldoze device of certain type multi-purpose technical vehicle was taken as the analysis target.

这些巨大的生物可以推到森林,把它变为草原,并尝试满足它们不知足的胃口。These massive creatures can bulldoze a forest, turning it into a grassland, trying to satisfy their insatiable appetites.

最近,有各种各样的人来应聘我们一个高阶的销售岗位,一次次地,这些候选人无视于我的行政助理。Recently, we had various people applying for a high-level sales role, and time and time again the candidates would bulldoze over my executive assistant.

巴基斯坦是一个充满腐败和恐怖主义的国家,巴基斯坦天生就要靠这个吃饭的,永远发展不起来,塔利班和美国会把它夷平的。Fuckistan is a country of corruption & terrorism. Fuckistan was born based on these. Fuckistan will never be able to develop as Taliban & USA will bulldoze the Fuckistan.

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地铁上最惊险的经历莫过于成群结队操浓重上海口音的中年妇女,她们会碾过你奔向空出来的座位。But the most dangerous encounter on the trains is still the gaggle of middle-aged women with heavy Shanghainese accents who will bulldoze through you for the next available seat.

该法令是在最高法院的一项备受争议的决定公布一周年之际发布的,在这个决定中最高法院给与地方政府广泛的权利,可以为了发展商业而处置和征用居民的房屋。The move occurred on the one-year anniversary of a controversial Supreme Court decision that gave local governments broad power to bulldoze people's homes for commercial development.

当一个贪婪的商人要推倒树木,以黄金矿山,芬兰和杰克结合自己的实际和幽灵般的权力,以节省土地,动物,生活在那里。When a greedy businessman wants to bulldoze the trees in order to mine for gold, Finn and Jack combine their practical and spooky powers to save the land and the animals that live there.