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迪士尼,等着接招吧。Take that, Disney.

人人都爱迪士尼。Everybody loves Disney.

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迪士尼知道如果做电影。Disney knows how to do movies.

可能是我们对迪斯尼有点儿不太厚道吧。Maybe we're too hard on Disney.

欧洲迪斯尼的股票价格迅速上涨了17便士。Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p.

所以,迪士尼作出了狗命名为冥王星。So Disney made a dog named Pluto.

是迪士尼影片里的还是别的什么?in the Disney movie or any other?

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迪士尼不再发售货币。Disney is no longer minting money.

在迪士尼待上一天可以解决一切。A day at Disney can remedy all that.

迪斯尼和高通也挫败。Disney and Qualcomm also disappoints.

斯皮尔伯格打电话给迪斯尼的首席执行官鲍勃·伊格尔。Spielberg called Disney CEO Bob Iger.

迪斯尼世界是个极好的主题乐园。Disney world is a wonderful theme park.

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票是通过一个在街边坐台的老墨搞到的。One day pass for all disney parks, 55d.

这是一个迪斯尼小缝制长毛绒玩具。This is a Disney Stitch Small Plush Toy.

昨天我参加了迪斯尼冰上表演。I was skating yesterday with Disney On Ice.

为什么欧洲的迪斯尼乐园不允许放烟火呢?Why don't they have fireworks at Euro Disney?

中局魂灵控制设施下方迪斯尼世界。CIA mind control facility beneath disney world.

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迪斯尼还想增加人均消费水平。Disney also wants to raise per-capita spending.

拉塞特同时兼任了皮克斯和迪斯尼的动画监制。He oversees animation at both Pixar and Disney.

仙境之桥是一个奇妙的迪士尼电影。Bridge to Terabithia is a fantastic Disney film.