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自负并不性感。Arrogance is not sexy.

我选择诚实的自大。I chose honest arrogance.

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我不能容忍他的傲慢。I cannot brook his arrogance.

傲慢有损他的形象。Arrogance reproaches his image.

但是傲慢却会起反作用。But arrogance antagonizes them.

他谴责“法国傲慢自大”。He has denounced "French arrogance".

这似乎滋长了它的嚣张气焰。It seems the growth of its arrogance.

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但是传闻他的愤怒他的嚣张气焰。But rumors of his arrogance anger him.

你们贪婪、自大的唾涎着。You sputter in greed and in arrogance.

孤高是没有王冠的王国。Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.

没有什么比傲慢更令人生厌。There is nothing uglier than arrogance.

这是必不可少的嚣张气焰。This is the essential of the arrogance.

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她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。She interprets his silence as arrogance.

他在国王的傲慢面前心存疑惧。His mind boggles at the king's arrogance.

杰克是个不骄不躁的人。Jack is free from arrogance and rashness.

那完全是表现主义、狂妄自大和彻头彻尾的挑衅。The exhibitionism of it all. The arrogance.

这种傲慢态度成了他的保护壳。The arrogance became his protective carapace.

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我们应防止骄傲自满的情绪滋长。We should guard against arrogance and conceit.

唯我美帝自大之毒瘤!Arrogance of U. S. imperialism cancer solipsism!

“当然,”他带着讽刺的傲慢厉声说道。“Of course, ” he snapped with ironical arrogance.