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你能觉察出他们之间有对立情绪。You could sense the antagonism between them.

似以定决心和现代文明对抗。Be like to fix determination and modern civilized antagonism.

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这是在媒体聚光灯下的蓄意对抗。This was deliberate antagonism under the glare of media spotlight.

他对夙敌的仇恨仍然十分强烈。The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong.

光从云阵的对抗里找到了她彩色的宝库。Light finds her treasure of colours throgh the antagonism of clouds.

过度对立会导致贸易战争,从而各方都失利。Excessive antagonism can lead to trade wars, and then everyone loses.

光线在与云霓的抗衡中觅到了她五光十色的珍宝。Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds.

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她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。She had not come to him today with this feeling of sullen antagonism.

不过,特朗普与中国对抗将是一场全无好处的赌博。But Mr Trump's antagonism towards China is a gamble without an upside.

J352是从黄瓜根际筛选到的一株对病原真菌具有拮抗作用的细菌。A bacteria J352 with antagonism was obtained from rhizosphere of cucumber.

证据开示是支撑对抗式审判制度的重要基点。Evidence open showing is an important centre that is of the antagonism type.

道德的对立是影响世界和谐的重要因素。The antagonism of moralities is an important factor to influence world harmony.

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与安全原因相比,许多对转基因食品的敌意更多的出于自身形象的考虑。Much of the antagonism towards GM food has more to do with self-image than safety.

攻守对抗是篮球运动发展的内部动力。Attack and defense antagonism is the internal drive of the development of basketball.

物业,在其目前的形式,是基于对资本和雇佣劳动的对立。Property, in its present form, is based on the antagonism of capital and wage-labour.

了解酪酸梭菌和婴儿型双歧杆菌单独及混合培养时对霍乱弧菌的拮抗作用。To understand the antagonism of Clostridium butyric and Bifidobacterium infants to v.

补锌在一定程度上能拮抗TNT对大鼠的生殖毒性。Supplement with zinc had antagonism against male reproductive toxicity induced by TNT.

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目的探讨灯盏花素对顺铂耳蜗毒性的拮抗作用。Objective It is to discuss the antagonism of breviscapine on cochlea toxicity of Cisplatin.

在封建制度下,社会基本的对立阶级是地主阶级和农民阶级。In the feudal system, the social class antagonism is the landlord class and the farmers class.

仅仅指出我们之间的分歧并就这些分歧展开辩论不应当导致对立。Merely pointing out and debating our areas of disagreement should not be cause for antagonism.