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这种模型是量化的。And this model is quantitative.

他需要得到定量的因素。And, he needed to get quantitative.

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他在上面加了个数量限制。He put a quantitative limit on that.

我想用定量分析。And I try to be quantitative with you.

我不喜欢定量或信贷放松。I don't like quantitative or credit easing.

我们学了数量上的波尔模型。We have a Bohr model, which is quantitative.

缩短了的缺头音节或尾音节的。The duration of a syllable in quantitative verse.

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在超声定量诊断研究上迈出了一步。The study benefits ultra-sound quantitative diagnosis.

那些是常见的定量专题地图的例子?Are there examples of common quantitative thematic maps?

他还通过实验给出了数值标准。And, in particular, he introduced a quantitative measure.

毛细血管床形态立体定量评估DR。DR was assessed by quantitative morphometry of capillary bed.

光谱分析仪的定量分析有许多种方法。There are many methods in its quantitative spectral analyses.

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本研究兼采质及量的分析方法。This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative analyses.

在定量无损检测的研究中,K。For approaching the quantitative non-destructive evaluation K.

定量测定与定性的结果一致。The quantitative and semiquantitative results were consistent.

此计量成本模式具有良好的解释能力。The quantitative cost model had a high interpretative ability.

但是目前关于这方面定量分析的论文很少。But article on Aperiodic ticket in quantitative analysis is few.

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我最近考虑做定量分析,one thing I've been considering lately is quantitative analysis,

必须开发新型定量化产品,他坚称。There was a need to develop new quantitative products, he argued.

汇丰定量分析战略小组最近的报告也显示了这一点。A recent paper from HSBC's quantitative strategy team echoes this.