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什么时候能看到你再次比赛?对阵维根?When do we see you on the pitch next? Wigan?

他在对米杜士堡和韦根一役中,表现非常出色。He did really well against Middlesbrough and Wigan.

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我们本该在的一轮对韦甘的时候就丢分的。We should have dropped points first week, at Wigan.

而在今年1月份,利物浦的争冠之路在JJB球场因1比1的平局遭受重挫。At the JJB in January, Wigan held the Reds to a frustrating 1-1 draw.

上周与维甘的比赛是卡拉格第653次代表俱乐部出战。The game against Wigan at the weekend was Carragher's 653rd for the club.

维甘从来没有在任何阶段的主场比赛领先利物浦。Wigan have never led against Liverpool at any stage of a home league game.

在我们看来,他在维冈竞技的足球生涯已经终结。As far as we are concerned, he is finished with football at Wigan Athletic.

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“我们只需要战胜维甘,然后全取三分,”他说道。"We just wanted to win against Wigan and then take it from there, " he said.

星期天对维冈的和局是阿森纳近期英超联赛的三连平。Sunday's stalemate at Wigan was Arsenal's third Premier League draw on a row.

维甘主教练保罗·朱厄尔把失利的原因归咎于糟糕的运气和准备不足。Wigan manager Paul Jewell attributed the loss to bad luck and poor finishing.

克莱维利去年在维根,也曾经在沃特福德和莱斯特打过。Cleverley was at Wigan last year and also had spells at Leicester and Watford.

上赛季两队交锋中罗达雷加作为替补上演他的处子秀。Hugo Rodallega made his Wigan debut as a substitute in this fixture last season.

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穆帅昨天还说,罗本可以在周六对阵维甘的比赛中复出。Jose also said yesterday that Arjen Robben will be fit to face Wigan on Saturday.

维根是英超唯一一只本赛季仍未在定位球上丢球的球队。Wigan are the only Premier League side yet to score a first-half goal this season.

主教练说道“我们有四名前锋,如果现在我说谁谁谁能上场,那么对维冈来说,比赛就十分容易了。”We have four strikers and if I say now that he will play, it will be easy for Wigan.

英帝国勋章获得者威拉德。维根在1957年出生于伯明翰,他小小年纪就开始了自己的艺术生涯。Born in 1957 in Birmingham, Willard Wigan MBE began his artistic life at a tender age.

对于康纳•亨德森来说,这意味着在上周末去维甘的途中,他得给大家唱唱歌。For Conor Henderson, that meant singing on the team coach en route to Wigan last weekend.

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我认为西汉姆会为保级挣扎,同样的还有维根和朴茨茅斯,但桑德兰会保级的。至于倒装,那是必须的。I think West Ham will struggle, as will Wigan and Portsmouth, but Sunderland will survive.

库伊特是利物浦打进维甘最多进球的球员,他一共进了5个。Dirk Kuyt has scored more goals for Liverpool against Wigan than any other player. He has 5.

维根竞技免费签约了雷恩后卫马里奥。梅尔奇奥特。Wigan Athletic have sealed the signing of Rennes defender Mario Melchiot on a free transfer.