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在一妻多夫制的情况下,女人一般也会嫁给她原本丈夫的兄弟。In fraternal polyandry the woman is expected to marry each of her original husband's brothers.

一妻多夫制已在此沿袭了数个世纪,但仅过了一代人,多夫制风俗便已近消失殆竭。Polyandry has been practiced here for centuries, but in a single generation it has all but vanished.

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古印度一妻多夫的传统曾经在印度非常普遍,不过现在只有一少部分人还这样做。The ancient Hindu tradition of polyandry was once widely practised in India, but is now only observed by a minority.

古印度一妻多夫的传统曾经在印度非常普遍,不过现在只有一少部分人还这样做。Thee ancient Hindu tradition of polyandry was once widely practised in India, but is now only observed by a minority.

可能出于许多原因,一夫多妻制比一妻多夫制普遍得多,上述原因会是许多较大的理由当中的一个较小理由吗?Might that be one small reason among many larger ones explaining why polygyny has been much more common than polyandry?

所以,我们所发现的正是我们所预期的,如果我们提供的关于一妻多夫的起源的推测是正确的。Thus, what we find is just what was to be expected if the account we have offered of the origin of polyandry was correct.

她曾在2005年再婚,由于她当时知道丈夫并未死亡,故警方可能会多告她一条重婚罪名。She is also suspected of polyandry after she remarried in 2005 even though she knew her husband was still alive, police said.

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虽然拉胡尔谷地是父系社会,但多夫制使得妇女们在诸多问题上有着重要的话语权。Although the society of the Lahaul Valley is patrilineal, the practice of polyandry gave women considerable sway over many matters.

蜜蜂是多雄性真社会性昆虫,分蜂是这个庞大家族繁衍的重要手段,它们通过信息素和蜂舞来传递信息。Honeybee is polyandry and eusocial-insect that they produce by colony fission and swarming who communicate with dancing and pheromone.

英语律师反击通过检查出生日期,结婚日期,并确定子女的一夫多妻制和一妻多夫。The English lawyers counter-attacked by checking birth dates, marriage dates, and identifying children born by polygamy and polyandry.

她是另外一个时代的鬼魂,是少数依然生活沿袭古老多夫风俗的家庭、已到风烛残年的人们中间的一个。Devi is a ghost of another time, one of a shrinking handful of people who still live in families here that follow the ancient practice of polyandry.

多亏乌鲁卡基纳崇尚平等、个人自由和社会正义,妇女通奸不再担心要被石头砸死。Women practicing polyandry no longer needed to worry about stoning, either, thanks to Urukagina's devotion to equality, personal freedom, and social justice.

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多亏乌鲁卡基纳崇尚平等、个人自由和社会正义,妇女通奸不再担心要被石头砸死。Women practicing polyandry no longer needed to worry about stoning, either, thanks to Urukagina’s devotion to equality, personal freedom, and social justice.

随着时间的流逝,藏族一妻多夫制已经不再合法了。因此很难衡量一妻多夫制什么样的影响范围才可能曾是世界上最为“一妻多夫的”社会。"Over time, Tibetan polyandry has been outlawed, so it is difficult to measure the incidence of polyandry in what may have been the world's most "polyandrous" society.