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第一种选择太可怕,难以去想象。The first option is too gruesome to contemplate.

那就是我们真正的在观心、观照。If you can do so, you contemplate in the right way.

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他每天去公园,坐在那里沉思默想。He goes to the park every day to sit and contemplate.

在星期二到星期四好好计划下工作如何展开。Retreat to rest, contemplate and plan Tuesday-Thursday.

在死以前,为爱而忍痛,为希望而景仰吧。In the meanwhile, love and suffer, hope and contemplate.

他们估计在预订旅馆房间方面恐怕有问题。They contemplate trouble in obtaining hotel reservation.

但是他们也呈现了我们一个深思的机会。But they are also presented with a chance to contemplate.

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但是卡洛琳坚决不去想她的学校可能会离他们而去。But Caroline refused to contemplate that her school might die.

我们不会再一眼扫过文字而不知所云,而是斟词酌句、深思细想。We won't just scan the words – we will contemplate their meaning.

弗洛拉?曼胡德按捺住欣赏自己身体的诱惑。Flora Manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body.

安迪,道格和西拉斯考虑在大麻的商业伙伴关系。Andy, Doug and Silas contemplate a partnership in the cannabis biz.

这只是一个暂时的举动,同时微软也在考虑Sandcastle的未来计划。This is a temporary move while they contemplate Sandcastles future.

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实际上,他的男性朋友们压根儿就没想过要上去。In fact, his male friends would not even contemplate going up there.

之后,我们可以考虑一些确实重要的事,比如剪个新发型。After that we can contemplate something that matters, like a haircut.

但在冬夜,注视这个星团显得如此美妙。But it's wonderful to contemplate this cluster of stars on a winter night.

细想法医等人为何需要这些生卒数据可能有点令人毛骨悚然。It’s a bit gruesome to contemplate why coroners and others need these data.

那么,对于我们的所作出得下一个决定性地的决策而言,这意味着什么呢?So what does this mean for how we should contemplate our next big decision?

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我们注意到你方打算照上次价格订购足球2000个。We note that you contemplate ordering 2000 Footballs at the same price as last.

上周83岁的金。凯利去世时,留给我们深思某些讽刺。When Gene Kelly died last week at 83, he left us to contemplate certain ironies.

这只是我对未来互联网教育的拙见。It is simply mind boggling to contemplate the future of education on the internet.