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它还配有触控笔。It also has a stylus.

唱针正循着唱片纹路移动。The stylus is traveling in a groove.

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绘图可以用手指或手写笔。Drawing can be done with a finger or a stylus.

只要一个手写笔,会有卓尔不群的效果!If you have a stylus for this, nothing like it!

电话在上锁时,取出手写笔可解锁。Phone can now be unlocked when stylus is removed.

他用铁笔把设计图刻在蜡纸上。He drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus.

所有这一切,也可以不使用手写笔。All this is likewise possible without using the stylus.

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但是他的这个设备全做错了,它配了触控笔。But he was doing the device all wrong. It had a stylus.

在触笔进入手写板范围内时发生。Occurs when the stylus comes within range of the tablet.

在用户使用此触笔生成系统笔势时发生。Occurs when the user raises the stylus from the Tablet PC.

此游戏是只打了与手写笔或者手指。This game is to be played only with the stylus or your finger.

雷克斯文件夹也是完全的RMX兼容所有你笔球迷。The REX folder is also fully RMX compatible for all you Stylus fans.

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针式建成投入的设计只有少量的数据。The built in stylus input is designed for small amounts of data only.

如果你不想使用一支用袜子做的手写笔,可以尝试下这个。So maybe you don’t want to use a stylus made out of a sock. That’s fine.

一般针式打印机和喷墨打印机属低值易耗品。Stylus printers and ink jet printers are low-value non-durable equipment.

将唱臂丛支架中移出来,但小心不要损坏了唱针。Remove the arm from its rest, being careful not to damage the stylus tips.

在现场还看到厂商手机,搭配特殊结构的触控笔。The company's representative's phone, shown with stylus in special attachment.

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两种机型都是触摸屏,可以直接用手指操作,也可以使用随机附带的手写笔。Both have touch screens that can be operated by finger or with an included stylus.

奇怪到我似乎能够听到留声机的唱针划过唱片的声音。So weird I could hear the stylus etching its way into the flat vinyl of the record.

一只手指或者尖笔打断轻的梁,位置是决定闸极栏。A finger or stylus interrupts the light beams and position is determined on the grid.