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热得要命,我受不了。I could n't withstand the murderous heat.

对于一堆杀人的怪物来说…Not bad for a bunch of murderous heathens.

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出自大海凶悍的无邪。Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

这个恶棍心生歹意!That scoundrel harbored a murderous heart.

咱们是杀人如麻的海盗,你忘了啊?We're a murderous bunch of pirates, remember?

来自卡扎菲政权的疯狂炮击,真是残暴凶狠。It is brutal, murderous shelling of the Gaddafi regime.

在眼花缭乱的表象之中往往暗藏何种杀机?In the dazzling image of what is often hidden murderous?

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所有积蓄也被几个月下来的可怕的高额利息蚕食一空。Months of murderous interest payments gobbled up my savings.

这场充满血腥味充斥着非置人于死地不可劲头的残酷竞赛被称为“新伟大博弈”。This murderous contest became known as the new “Great Game.”

这是是蓄意谋杀的犯罪,是史无前例的。The crime was unprecedented in its cunning and murderous results.

血腥凶残的乌托邦和幻灭的时代产下了混血儿。The hybrid child of a murderous utopia and a disenchanted époque.

地狱持续一段时间后,充满杀气的怒吼会变多。Hell for some time, full of murderous look will become more angry.

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这两门炮横在飞行线路上,组成了凶猛的交叉火力。The guns, straddling the flight path, began a murderous crossfire.

1980年是该组织最为凶残的一年,对92起死亡事件负有责任。In 1980, its most murderous year, it was responsible for 92 deaths.

就连这个杀人不眨眼的强盗都能改恶从善。Even someone as wicked as this murderous bandit can change his ways.

他从一个国家飞向另一个国家,与杀人的变异细菌进行斗争。He flew from country to country, battling murderous mutant microbes.

但是它们最终却和凶残的家族政权勾结了起来。What they end up doing is colluding with murderous family-run regimes.

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那女郎眼露凶光,一提手,匕首便要往他耳中刺落。With murderous glare in her eyes, she raised the dagger and stabbed at his ear.

他散发出强大的杀气,向元都一步步走去。He sends ahead a strong murderous look and all step by step walks to the dollars.

国民党对台湾粮食的掠夺达到了犯罪的、甚至是逼死人的地步。The Kuomintang looting of Formosan food went to criminal and even murderous lengths.