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非常感谢你无所不至的关怀。Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

她不会忘记你的周到和友善。She will never forget your thoughtfulness and kindness.

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母亲很感动女儿们的善体人意。She was very touched by the thoughtfulness of her daughters.

告诉你,我多么感谢你对我的关怀备至。To let you know how much your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

告诉你,我多么感谢你对我关怀备至。To let you know how much your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

你的体贴眷注给了我宏大的快慰。Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy, miu miu handbags.

肯替别人想,是第一学问。———吕坤。Thoughtfulness is the first skill one should learn. ———Lv Kun.

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然而,正是他的慎思笃行惹恼了民众。But it was his quiet thoughtfulness that most irritated people.

那就像反对深刻性和思想性。That would be like being against reflection and thoughtfulness.

双鱼的男人和女人们会非常感激的,永远也不会忘记你的体贴。Piscean men and women are appreciative and will not forget your thoughtfulness.

同时,还要注意耐心细致,具体周到。Meanwhile, patience, meticulousness and thoughtfulness should be paid attention to.

接下来两章主要分析毕飞宇小说内容上的“凝重感”。The following two sections will analyze the "thoughtfulness" in the novel contents.

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这眞是一幅惟妙惟肖的图画,描写雅各对群畜和孩子的慈心!What a beautiful picture of Jacob's thoughtfulness for the cattle and the children!

兰贵成的体贴给了文红旗新的力量,她积极地投向了劳务市场。LanGuiCheng thoughtfulness to the red flag new strength, she actively to the labor market.

当然,我们也可以体验无所事事,于是,我们找到了富于思考的种种途径。Or we can experience boredom. In this case we develop set ways to increase thoughtfulness.

银幕上的她,紫罗兰色的眼睛闪烁着深思,她称其为“专注”。On screen she radiated a thoughtfulness in those blue-violet eyes which she defined as “concentration”.

这些念头可能永远不会变成一首诗或者一支歌,可却是一位母亲的思想经历。These thoughts may never become a poem or a song. But they are an exercise in the mother's thoughtfulness.

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自我意识是产生诸如智能、体贴和学习等较高层次认知功能的原因。The ego is responsible for the higher cognitive functions such as intelligence, thoughtfulness and learning.

越是个性化和有想象力,你的伴侣就对你的体贴印象越深刻。The more personalized and creative you can be, the more impressed your partner will be at your thoughtfulness.

教育智慧思想构成了范梅南现象学教育学思想的核心内容。Pedagogical thoughtfulness is the core and embodiment of Max van Manen's thoughts of phenomenological pedagogy.