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那个穿着紧身绸裤的男士曼声地独唱,然后她和唱。The man in the tights sang alone, then she sang alone.

她递给我一套闪着金光的彩虹纹紧身衣。She handed me a pair of rainbow tights with gold sparkles.

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一件外套加一件长袖,紧身裤外再套条通风的裤子。A jacket over your base layer, and wind pants over the tights.

我已经把我的衣服以及我的紧身衣和线缝到一起去了。I 'd already sewn my dress and my tights to thepiece of material.

紧密的织法确保保暖效果好,可以搭配一件冬装的小裙子来穿。Knit tights so warm and trendy to go with your little winter dresses!

一直到我开始穿紧身衣裤时才可以采摘苹果了。They aren't ready to pick until I have to start wearing tights again.

为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness.

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面条摊上的昏暗的光和宿舍里的灯光好像在减弱月光的明亮。The dim tights and the lamplight somewhat diminished the brightness of the moon.

本·拉登恐怕一辈子都不会穿上粉色的芭蕾裙和长靴。The 'Osama bin Laden in drag' doll comes in fetching pink tutu, tights and boots.

妈妈拿着的包装袋上用黑色大字写着女用紧身衣几个字。Girl's tights were written in big black letters on the packet that Mum was holding.

“通过眼角的余光,我发现了这个女孩,”他说,“她当时穿着鲜亮的蓝色短裙,一身深色紧身衣,还有脑门后的一朵小花。”She had bright blue shorts and dark blue tights and a flower in the back of her hair.

他们将毛发填进尼龙紧身裤做成“栅栏”,形状就像香肠。The hair is stuffed into nylon tights to make "booms", which are shaped like sausages.

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芭蕾,仅仅是男子穿者紧身衣的雀跃舞蹈,女人穿着短裙追随在其后?BALLET. Is it just about men prancing around in tights while women follow along in tutus?

一套新的运动紧身衣或者舒适的羊毛会帮助激发你出去跑步。A new pair of running tights or a cozy fleece will help motivate you to get out for a run.

芭蕾,仅仅是男子穿者紧身衣的雀跃舞蹈,同时女人穿着短裙追随在其后?BALLET. Is it just about men prancing around in tights while women follow along in tutus ?

不时有一只大平底船突突驶过,穿紧身游泳衣的人们站在草地上晒太阳。Now and then a scow chugged by. Bathers in tights were standing in the grass sunning themselves.

阿迈勒身穿一条舒适的毛衣裙,宽松地盖住肚子,搭配的是黑色哑光打底裤和长靴。Amal kept comfy in a sweater dress that skimmed her stomach as well as opaque black tights and boots.

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我弄破了我的指甲,紧身衣裤抽了丝,并误了火车-乎真是祸不单行。I broke a fingernail, laddered my tights and then missed my train– it seems it never rains but it pours.

我弄破了我的指甲,紧身衣裤抽了丝,并误了火车-似乎真是祸不单行。I broke a fingernail, laddered my tights and then missed my train – it seems it never rains but it pours.

他们穿着肉色的紧身衣,衣上会有皱折,也能看得见他们的胳膊肘上用白线缝补的地方。They wear pink tights that go all in wrinkles, and you can see where their elbows have been darned with white.