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食蚊鱼卵子发育过程分为6个时相。The oogenesis of Gambusia affinis is divided into 6 phases.

卵发生进行了超微结构的研究。The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L.

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将成体干细胞定向诱导分化为卵母样生殖细胞,将会促进卵子发生的相关研究。Derivation of oocyte like cells from adult stem cells would benefit the study of oogenesis.

此外,对高尔基复合体在卵子形成过程中的功能、去向及行为变化等问题进行了讨论。In addition, the changes and functions of the Golgi complex in oogenesis were discussed in this paper.

卵细胞发育过程中始终伴随着滤泡细胞结构和形态的变化,这一现象明显可见。It is obvious that the oogenesis always accompanys with the variation of the structure and the shape of the follicle cell.

用组织学方法对短额负蝗卵子发生和卵母细胞凋亡进行了显微观察。The oogenesis and oocyte apoptosis of Atractomorpha sinensis Bolivar were observed by using routine histological techniques.

结果表明,EM原露对熊蜂蜂王产卵前期卵巢发育及卵子发生表现出一定抑制性,但影响不显著。The result showed that the EM is not able to statistically affect the ovarian development and oogenesis of bumblebee queens in preoviposition period.

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为下一步ZP3抗体的制备以及进一步研究萍乡红鲫ZP3在卵子发生过程中的表达特征奠定基础。This research can be a foundation for preparation of ZP3 polyclonal antibody and further study about the expression characteristics of ZP3 in the process of oogenesis.

桂建芳研究组以银鲫为材料,在鱼类卵母细胞中发现了一种新的核心组蛋白H2A变体。In this study, we have identified and characterized a histone H2A variant h2af1o in fish, and revealed its oocyte-specific expression pattern during oogenesis and embryogenesis.

对卵母细胞发育主要不同时相特别是卵母细胞最后生理成熟过程进行了连续观察,测定了组织蛋白酶C在卵母细胞发育过程中的比活性。In this study, the developmental process of the prawn oocytes was examined with light microscope and the cathepsin C activity was measured during oogenesis and final oocyte maturation.