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它可能也是我们最重要的适应能力之一。It may be one of our most consequential.

第二个限制更为重要。A second limitation is more consequential.

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这个试验表明,这种活动十分重要。It suggests this activation is consequential.

我们还投保间接损失险和利润损失险。We're also covered against consequential loss, and loss of profits.

我们可以说,他们做了一些相应的有作为宜。We can say that they did something consequential there as advisable.

行为无价值是以结果无价值作为自身存在的基础。Behavioral incrimination is on the basis of consequential incrimination.

装上船只或将货物交到吊杆之下,卖方应负担买方的一切费用和损失,如空舱费、滞期费及losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. Consequential losses

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而乙方在任何情况下都应无需为附带或由此而起的损失承担责任。In no event shall UL-STR be liable for incidental or consequential damage.

卖方不承担间接原因发生的损失,或由此而造成的损失。In no event shall the seller be liable for indirect or consequential damage.

在重大事件发生之时,阴谋论总是会跳出来。Conspiracy theories always leap to the fore amid big and consequential events.

USL将不对特别的或者间接的损害负责。In no event shall USL be liable for collateral, special or consequential damages.

关键的问题是相等的或然率加上理性的群众,出来的往往是必然的想法。The key problem is that equating probabilism with reason crowds out consequential thinking.

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我们亦会因应这项建议,动议就第39F条的标题作出相应修订。Consequential amendments to the heading of section 39F will also be moved for this proposal.

从中我们得知,东方正变得相对富裕,在国际事务中变得更具影响力。That the East is getting relatively richer, and becoming more consequential in world affairs.

结果加重犯是刑法分则中较多见的一种犯罪形态。The stiffer penalty to the consequential crime is a common criminal form in the criminal law.

加重结果是结果加重犯的独特的构成要件要素。The aggregated consequence is the distinct constitutive element of aggregated consequential offense.

它不再是一个大国,比南欧那些橄榄共和国要强大,但经济实力不及新汉萨国家。No longer a great power, it is more consequential than an Olive Republic but not as strong as the Hansa.

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在法律许可范围内,ABC将不对意外或间接损坏承担任何责任。Shall ABC Be liable for Incidental or Consequential Damages to the Full Extent Such May Be Disclaimed by Law.

如果这是真的亚马逊的流行概念和他的本地居民将会受到巨大的影响。The popular conception of Amazonia and its native residents would be enormously consequential if it were true.

当我们花时间与我们的朋友在一起或看电视,这些事情是非常重要我们不予衡量。When we spend time with our friends or watch TV, those things are very consequential but we don’t measure them.