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服务器动力不足且不能满足工作负荷要求。The server is underpowered and cannot handle the workload.

如今非提升的对方感觉缺乏、无价值或无力。Now the non-ascending party feels less than, worthless or underpowered.

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在使用应用时,有时候会明显感觉机器动力的不足。When using apps, there are some cases when the machine definitely feels underpowered.

这使得虎王容易遭受侧面的袭击。This made the King Tiger miserably underpowered and susceptible to surprise flank attacks.

可我们实际得到的却是对财政和货币防线无力的反应。And yet what we actually got was an underpowered response on both the fiscal and the monetary fronts.

类似的,如果确知用户使用落后的老式桌面电脑,这种方法也合适。Likewise, if you know your users are running on underpowered old desktop machines, this approach makes sense.

是有足够内存和处理器能力的高端工作站还是老式的落后计算机?Are these high-end workstations with memory and processor power to spare? Or are they old, underpowered machines?

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额外的随机存取储存器通常是有成本效益的当与当你会花费尝试调节一个动力不足的系统的时候相较。Extra RAM is usually cost-effective when compared to the time you would spend trying to tune an underpowered system.

本假说研究的样本量较少,不足以显示出两组的统计学差异。The small sample size of this hypothesis-generating study was underpowered to show statistical differences between groups.

该研究在检测死亡率的显著差异方面仍显不足,尤其是在比较DES和CABG两者的死亡率上。The study was underpowered to detect significant differences in mortality, especially in the comparison between DES and CABG.

简而言之,奥巴马给过去令人迷惑和缺乏动力的中东政策提供了一致性,资源和方向。In short, Mr. Obama gave coherence, resources and direction to a U.S. Middle East policy that had been confused and underpowered.

他们购买的上网本是功能不足的个人电脑,反应迟钝并且不能处理很多普及的软件应用。The netbooks they bought were underpowered PCs that performed sluggishly and could not handle many popular software applications.

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最终,还是放弃了这个想法,因为他已经有一台传统笔记本电脑和一个智能手机,上网本,作为一台功能弱化了的PC,在Champlin先生心中很难有一个准确定位。But Mr. Champlin, who has a conventional notebook and a smartphone, decided against the purchase, seeing it as an underpowered PC.

无论是以往任何时候都远程动力不足,在任何速度,由于调整,最大化低端扭矩为现实世界中的驾驶。Neither powertrain is ever remotely underpowered , at any speed, thanks to tuning that maximizes low-end torque for real-world driving.

在二膦酸盐的应用过程中,骨折的风险没有明显的增加,但是这些研究还不能得出明确的结论。There was no significant increase in risk associated with bisphosphonate use, but the study was underpowered for definitive conclusions.

飞机采用非气密舱和四台动力不足的涡轮螺旋桨发动机,使它仅仅适用于低-中空飞行。The aircraft has an unpressurised cabin and four underpowered turboprop engines, making it only suitable for low- to medium-altitude flight.

他的2002赛季看起来动力十足,但是麦克拉伦在使用米奇林轮胎上的缺陷使得他只能争取比赛的领先地位。His 2002 season seemed electric. But an underpowered McLaren on less than perfect Michelins meant he was rarely able to challenge for the lead.

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占领华尔街运动好象是一枚动力不足的火箭,它看起来不能消除误解、不能脱离地球的重力去完成自身的使命。OWS is like an underpowered rocket that can't seem to clear the atmosphere and break free of earth's gravitational pull to accomplish its mission.

疲弱的四缸引擎,顶级车型V6发动机的燃油不经济性,挡位数较少,刹车动力不足,内饰材料差,缺乏运动性。Weak and unrefined four-cylinder engine, poor fuel economy with top V6, limited transmission choices, underpowered brakes, poor interior materials, not at all sporty.

本试验的治疗研究数据并没有体现明显的临床优势,但即便如此,这种治疗方案不应该被排斥。Treatment within the trial protocol was not associated with significant clinical benefit, although the study was underpowered and alternative results cannot be excluded.