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特多首都西班牙港市圣克莱尔区亚历山德拉街39号。Alexandra St. , St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

多巴哥一家小旅店的餐厅提供了一个泳池旁的座位。The dining room of a small hotel on Tobago offers a poolside seat.

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下面给大家放一首被誉为特立尼达和多巴哥Soca国王的歌。Below we take to the Trinidad and Tobago Soca known as a King song.

受此鼓舞,中国使馆经过精心准备,推出了多巴哥巡展。The Chinese Embassy was encouraged and decided to launch the Tobago Exhibition.

戴爱莲逝世时,他作为在特多的亲属代表参加了葬礼。He attended the funeral for Dai Ailian representing Dai's family from Trinidad and Tobago.

特立尼达和多巴哥共和国是由两个岛屿组成的国家,多巴哥岛则是其中较小,较静的那个。Tobago is the quieter, smaller, half of the dual-island carribean republic Trinidad and Tobago.

这个学期的专业课特多,作业也很多,想想都怕。Trinidad and Tobago specialized courses this semester, assignments are also many think are afraid.

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这项决定是在西半球领导人即将在特立尼达和多巴哥举行峰会几天前宣布的。Monday's announcement came just days before a summit of hemispheric leaders in Trinidad and Tobago.

本次摄影展共展出70余幅摄影作品,均为在特多的中国人业余创作。There are over 70 pieces of Photographs in the Exhibition, all taken by Chinese in Trinidad and Tobago.

特立尼达和多巴哥场自然会远足指南提供了良好的两条路线的描述。Trinidad and Tobago hiking guide and the market, of course, provide a good description of the two paths.

祝特立尼达和多巴哥共和国社会和谐,人民安康。May the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago enjoy social harmony and the people live in peace and prosperity.

曼宁重申特多坚持奉行一个中国政策,曾庆红对此表示赞赏。Manning reiterated Trinidad and Tobago sticks to the one China policy, for which Zeng expressed appreciations.

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世界杯赛中,特里在球门线处一技出色的凌空解围帮助英格兰队战胜小组赛对手特立尼达和多巴哥队。This stunning goal line clearance kept England in the game against Trinidad and Tobago during the competition.

加勒比诸岛独立后,“卡利普索”作为一种传统保留下来,并有进一步继承和发展。Calypso as a folk tradition has been further developed after Trinidad and Tobago and other Islands became independent.

中国驻特多大使杨优明和伦敦首席秘书分别致辞。H.E. Mr. Yang Youming, Chinese Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago and Mr. London made remarks respectively at the event.

英格兰2比0战胜特立尼达和多巴哥的时候,球迷们一定欣喜若狂。Late goals by Peter Crouch and Steven Gerrard helped England post a 2-0 victory over World Cup debutant Trinidad & Tobago.

2005年1月31日,正在特立尼达和多巴哥进行正式访问的中国国家副主席曾庆红在西班牙港会见了特多总统理查兹。Zeng Qinghong who was paying an official visit to Trinidad and Tobago met with President Maxwell Richards in Port of Spain.

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畅销曲“是的,我们没有香蕉”令人想起这种特别是出自千里达和托巴哥鼓声沉重的音乐风格。The hit song "Yes, We Have No Bananas, " is reminiscent of this drum-heavy musical style, especially from Trinidad and Tobago.

在墨西哥过夜后,奥巴马总统星期五启程前往特立尼达和多巴哥参加美洲峰会。After an overnight stay in Mexico, President Obama departs for Trinidad and Tobago Friday to attend the Summit of the Americas.

伦敦表示,相信中方与多巴哥岛之间的友好关系将会不断发展。Mr. London expressed his sincere wish that the friendly relationship between China and Tobago would further develop and expand.