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神后来再差派那鸿去斥责他们。Later God sent Nahum to cry against it again.

这二种故事是分别来自先知那鸿和先知约拿。The two tale tellers are prophet Nahum and Jonah.

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论尼尼微的默示,就是伊勒歌斯人那鸿所得的默示。The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

但正如那鸿所说的,尼尼微很快就要知道,他种什麽就要收什麽。But as Nahum prophesied, Nineveh was soon to reap that which she had sown.

一开始就在讨论上帝的圣洁、全能和公义。Nahum begins his prophecy by discussing the holiness, omnipotence, and righteousness of God.

我很好奇我是否能再见到内厄姆,或者我应该去采访其他的那些先知,比如说哈巴谷书就是个不错的选择。I wonder if I will ever see Nahum again. Or maybe I should interview another prophet like Habakkuk!

那鸿很生动地描绘战争的激烈状况,使读者宛如听见刀剑砍杀的声音。Nahum describes the battle in such graphic terms that his readers can almost hear the clash of swords.

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在那鸿书和约拿书里分别讨论到同一个城市在不同的时间�有不一样的命运-城市是尼尼微,是古代亚述国的首都。The book of Nahum and the book of Jonah discusses the fate of a city separately in different time. The city is Nineveh, the capital of ancient Assyria.

第三章一开始就讲到尼尼微是个「流人血的城」,因为其中充满残暴和杀害的事。Nahum chapter three begins with a most appropriate description of Nineveh. He calls it "the bloody city", for Nineveh was notorious for her cruelty and killings.

17世纪,剧作家内厄姆塔特拙劣的修改了它,使得原作中李尔王和他最爱的女儿考狄利娅两人双双死去的悲剧性结尾化为乌有。In its place was a heavy-handed adaptation by 17th-century playwright Nahum Tate, who blue-pencilled the tragic double death of Lear and his favourite daughter Cordelia.

17世纪,剧作家内厄姆塔特拙劣的修改了它,使得原作中李尔王和他最爱的女儿考狄利娅两人双双死去的悲剧性结尾化为乌有。In its place was a heavy-handed adaptation by 17th-century playwright Nahum Tate, who blue- pencilled the tragic double death of Lear and his favourite daughter Cordelia.

真正的刑罚要等好几年后才发生,但上帝必定要公平地惩罚他们的罪。The actual fulfillment of this prophecy was not to happen for many years, but Nahum asserts that it would indeed come, for God's justice demands that He punish their sin.

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那鸿的预言说明了上帝在历史中掌权,祂根据计划去兴起一国,又让她倒下,这其中所做所为,无非为了祂的子民的益处。Nahum 's prophecy illustrates well the sovereignty of God in history. He lifts up nations and puts them down according to His plan, which is always for the good of His people.