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到门那里去啊,先生。Going to the gate, sire.

我那里有很不祥的预感,老爷。I had great forebodings , sire.

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我封你为威廉姆华莱士爵士。I knight thee Sire William Wallace.

我感到非常不安,陛下。That I am exceedingly disquieted, sire.

大多数情况下,杂交时雄性通常是公的斑马。In most cases, the sire is a zebra stallion.

陛下,这儿光线的确太暗,我去把眼镜拿来。The light is indeed dim, sire. I must get my glasses.

它是众多获得国家赛级别赛事冠军鸽子的父辈和祖父辈。He is sire and grandsire to 1st prize winners right through to national level.

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暂时的,这些就是胡佛作为新政未被承认的始作俑者的理由。Such, briefly, is the case for Hoover as the unacknowledged sire of the New Deal.

大部分人都会选择品相甜美的种公和种母来繁殖下一代。Most people can select a beautiful sire and dam to produce a typey litter of puppies.

种驴和雌性斑马的后代——叫做斑骡——也存在,但数量极其稀少。Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra mare, called a zebra hinny, do exist but are rare.

他们的女人则相传在远古的“长夜”里与异鬼媾合,繁衍半人半鬼的恐怖后代。And their women lay with the Others in the Long Night to sire terrible half-human children.

他很高兴地听到达兰爵士对国王说道,“这孩子骑马的姿势有真正的骑士风度,陛下。He was pleased to hear the Lord Darrin say to the King, "The boy has a true horseman's seat, Sire."

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这些种马一贯父系的美丽和卓越,我们不断听到美妙的事情。These stallions so consistently sire beauty and excellence that we continually hear wonderful things.

母系繁殖是体现在,当一个由同样母体生产的的独立的公和母所促进的血统互补作用。FFI occurs when an individual's sire and dam contribute complementary strains from the same female ancestors.

“乔彼特”的母亲是“印象”,米尔特鸽舍著名育种搭档“加斯特”&“加丽”的直女。The dam of the sire is "Reflection" a direct daughter from Myrtle Lofts famous breeding pair "Jester" &"Carrie".

在遗传力的估计过程中,需将多种非遗传因素的影响从公畜间方差或者母畜间方差中剔除。In the estimation of heritability, various non-genetic factors must be excluded from the variance of sire or dam.

那宅子是贵人索墨雷·雨果,供奉维莱修道院第六祭坛的那位雨果起造的。This manor was built by Hugo, Sire of Somerel, the same who endowed the sixth chaplaincy of the Abbey of Villiers.

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至少在理论上讲,圣母马利是绝不可能通过无沾怀胎而生育一个男孩的--圣诞火鸡倒还可能。While Mary should not have been able to sire a son through a virgin birth, your Christmas turkey could – at least in theory.

该文讨论了为PPS抽样的二相抽样时,其样本单位数的最优设计问题。并结合实例进行了分析。In this paper, we given an approach for optimum design of sample sire in two-phase sampling for PPS, and discussed an example.

皮尔蒙特牛可作为当前高原环境下改良青海黄牛的理想父本品种使用。The results indicate that Piedmonts can be used as an ideal sire breed to improve Yellow Cattle of Qinghai Plateau at present.