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他们还朝一个尖塔开了炮。They blasted a minaret too.

阿富汗贾米清真寺的宣礼塔和考古遗址。Minaret and archaeological remains of Jam, Afghanistan.

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伊斯兰式的尖塔倒塌在清真寺的楼顶。A minaret lays crumbled on the rooftop of the local mosque.

两个美军上去了,塔开始四分五裂。Two more marines went up, and the minaret began to come apart.

之后参观额敏塔,当地饭店用午餐。Next, you will visit the Emin Minaret and eat a local restaurant.

甚至该村清真寺的尖塔都被地球吞噬。Even the minaret of the village mosque was swallowed by the earth.

我们靠近了尖塔的门,Ashely走了进去。We came to the door of the minaret and Ashley stepped to go inside.

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奥特曼帝国的遗韵到处可见,我不时看见尖塔和土耳其牌照的卡车,还断断续续耳闻小亚细亚风格的音乐。I spot the occasional minaret and see lorries with Turkish number plates.

去贾玛清真寺里面的宣礼塔,那里视线最开阔。Go to the minaret of Jama Masjid, you can have an open and wide view there.

这座不太大的单层建筑也是社区中心的所在地,没有光塔,没有穹顶,也没有高高的天花板。The modest one-story building, with its co-located community center, boasts no minaret or dome.

位于圣墓教堂附近的欧麦尔清真寺,有一个叙利亚式尖塔。The mosque of umar,located next to the church of the holy sepulcher,features a syrian-type minaret.

摩洛哥,迈克妮丝,发光的锁眼形拱门和灰红城墙给艾尔博登莫斯科清真寺的光塔加上了一道外框。A glowing keyhole arch and dusty-red walls frame the minaret of Al Berdain Mosque in Meknès, Morocco.

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一排树木和从露天空间升起的光塔也被计划作为社交场地。A row of trees and a minaret rise from the open-air space, which is also intended as a place to socialise.

位于圣墓教堂附近的欧麦尔清真寺,有一个叙利亚式尖塔。The mosque of umar,located next to the church of the holy sepulcher,features a syrian-type minaret.situated

位于圣墓教堂附近的欧麦尔清真寺,有一个叙利亚式尖塔。The mosque of umar, located next to the church of the holy sepulcher, features a syrian-type minaret.situated

栏杆上的图案是小的孔洞——与光塔相匹配——可以看见下面的大厅。Here, small peek-holes in the patterned balustrade – which matches the minaret – give a view of the hall below.

文光塔是一座古塔,广东省文物保护单位,位于潮阳市的棉城镇中心。Brunei is an ancient minaret , Guangdong Province, heritage unit, located in Chaoyang City of cotton town center.

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螺旋尖塔是伊拉克撒马拉的穆塔瓦基勒清真寺边上的一个砖土结构建筑物。The Spiral Minaret is a massive brick and clay structure adjacent to the Mosque of al-Mutawakkil in Samarra , Iraq.

由于需求量大,一位巴博勒宣礼塔制作商旅行到其他国家,如乌兹别克斯坦和阿塞拜疆去做宣礼塔。Due to high demand, a minaret maker in Babol travels to countries such as Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan to make minarets.

摩洛哥梅克内斯称中央的一座清真寺尖塔发生坍塌事故,造成至少36人死亡。At least 36 people were killed in Morocco when a minaret collapsed at a mosque in the central town of Meknes, officials say.