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我们什么时候要做即席演讲?When do we make impromptu speeches?

一段即兴曲使音乐会更活跃了。A piece of impromptu spiced up the concert.

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一个摊位上正在进行的一场即兴蟋蟀大战。An impromptu cricket fight in one of the stalls.

“现场站立思考”是指能够快速组织自己的观点,不要提前准备便能针对某个主题发表演讲,这种类型的演讲常常被称为即席演讲。This type of speech is often called an impromptu speech.

考伯对邻居们的即兴造访从2007年夏天一直延续到2008年。His impromptu visits took place from summer 2007 to 2008.

你将会有一分钟准备你的即席演讲。You will have one minute to prepare your impromptu speech.

即席演讲似乎不那麽困难。Giving an impromptu speech is not as difficult as it seems.

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语文课上,常常即兴配合课文内容进行人物表演。In Chinese, often with text content impromptu performance figures.

正确。他口才好,且在演讲中常不假思索。Positively. He's eloquent and often speaks impromptu in the speech.

期间有人起身即兴表演了一段巴尔干舞蹈,赢得满堂彩。At one point someone gets up and performs an impromptu Balkan dance.

就像你看到的,事实上你已经有过做即席演讲的经验了。As you can see, you already have experience giving impromptu speeches.

在这里,他们有一个并未约定的聚会——跳交谊舞。Here, they come together for an impromptu activity – ballroom dancing.

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这位即兴演奏者是麦斯米兰·怀特,他是意大利人,现居住在伦敦。The impromptu pianist is Maximilian White, an Italian living in London.

这一宣布是在机场举行的临时新闻发布会上作出的。The announcement was made in an impromptu press conference at the airport.

俄罗斯和东欧钢琴作品精选安东·鲁宾斯坦G大调即兴曲,作品44,第四首。Russian and Eastern European Piano Music Impromptu in G Major, Op. 44, No. 4

俄罗斯和东欧钢琴作品精选安东·鲁宾斯坦降E大调即兴曲,作品75,第四首。Russian and Eastern European Piano Music Impromptu in Eb Major, Op. 75, No. 4

很多时候,你都可以在每天的,无关紧要的和即兴的时刻中发现它们。Most often, you can find them in everyday, inconsequential and impromptu moments.

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参加即席演讲比赛的学生们都知道这种方法。This pattern is well known to students who compete in impromptu speaking contests.

您即使对几乎一无所知既题目都能够作即席演讲。I can make impromptu speeches even on topics about which I have almost no information.

有一次我哥哥弹肖邦的幻想即兴曲,我们看到有人跟着曲子唱起来。Once my brother played the Fantasy Impromptu by Chopin, I heard someone singing along.