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星光下结旆。Star knot under the pennant.

我们不担心很多有关锦旗。We dont worry about the pennant much.

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它的编号也被改变为885号。Its pennant number was also changed to 885.

三角队旗上有一只鹰的标志。The team pennant has an eagle emblem on it.

第二辆车插着加纳的三角旗。The second car was flying the Ghanaian pennant.

此后,彭南特继续证明着他的威胁。Since then, Pennant continue to prove that his threat.

重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳。Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified.

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长条旗,燕尾旗一种与船只上的三角旗类似的旗帜或标志。A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship's pennant.

如果你在下边看着图表,你能够看见形成的一面三角旗。If you look at the chart below, you can see a pennant forming.

晚风轻拂,拨动着高涨的火焰,如同一展燃烧的旗帜一般,飘拂着。A thin night-wind sprang up, setting the high flames whipping like a burning pennant.

大联盟棒球职业赛在我听到令人惊讶的结局后让人非常兴奋。The major league baseball pennant races get wired on as we head to a stunning finish.

斯托克城右翼彭南特表示利物浦队中目前有很多球员不够好。Stoke City winger Jermaine Pennant says many in Liverpool's squad are not good enough.

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与黄金形成三角旗一样,白银形成强势技术图形。Silver is forming a strong technical pattern along with Gold and also forming a pennant.

各联队名列第一的中队都获得一面挂在旗杆上的黄色三角旗,这玩意一点价值也没有。The best squadron in each wing won a yellow pennant on a pole that was utterly worthless.

“这是我在不列颠尼亚最好的表现,”彭南特说。"That was one of our best performances since I came to the Britannia, " Jermaine Pennant said.

再次落选英格兰队,彭南特难以掩饰失望之情。Jermaine Pennant has revealed his disappointment after being overlooked for England once again.

当一个旗形沿着趋势的方向飘扬时,通常后面就会发生强烈的反转。When a pennant flies in the direction of the trend, it is usually followed by a sharp reversal.

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然而,彭南特还是未能入选,取而代之的是前队长贝克汉姆得到了重新入选国家队的机会。However, Pennant was denied a call-up with former captain David Beckham receiving a recall instead.

彭南特永久转会斯托克,维根签了西班牙后卫罗佩兹。Jermaine Pennant makes a permanent switch to Stoke City and Wigan sign Spanish defender Adrian Lopez.

那一年,这支队伍在二十年的失败后赢得了它的第一个联赛冠军。That year, the team won its first league championship pennant after more than twenty years of failure.