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地震灾害损失评估是地震部门的一项职责。Earthquake disaster assesment is a duty of seismological bureau.

国家地震局派出了以副局长陈为团长的13人代表团出席会议。The State Seismological Bureau sends a 13-member delegation headed by Prof.

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四川汶川地震发生后,中国地震局已启动一级预案。Chuan Wenchuan earthquake, the China Seismological Bureau has launched a plan.

这次地震的能量令许多地震学界的人也感到震惊。The earthquake’s power came as a surprise to many in the seismological community.

此外,本文还给出了数字测震系统标定结果的描述方法。The method of calibration of a digital seismological system is also described in this paper.

临震预报是地震预测预报最难之点。As we know, the most difficult problem in seismological forecasting is impending earthquake prediction.

Campos说,这场地震凸显了该国缺乏地震学家和地震学能力。The earthquake has highlighted the country's lack of seismologists and seismological capacity, said Campos.

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新埕1地震观测井,是华北地区流量最大的自流热水井。The No. 1 seismological observation well in Xinying is the largest artesian thermal-water well in North China.

中国的地震局说,这次地震受影响的一半以上国家的省,直辖市。China's Seismological Bureau said the quake affected more than half the country's provinces and municipalities.

也就是在星期天,中国地震局官方将此次地震震级从7.9级调高至8.0级。Also on Sunday, officials from the China Seismological Bureau revised the earthquake's magnitude to 8.0 from 7.9.

与此同时,国家地震局也提出了辽宁南部可能孕育着一次较大地震。At the same time, Seismological Bureau of nation advance the south of Liaoning maybe gestates a biggish earthquake.

对此我想进行进一步的研究,并与地震学和地球物理学的前辈们共同观察动物行为。I'd like to study it further and look atanimalbehaviour incombination with seismological and geophysical precursors.

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新华社报道了最近两次5.4和5.7级的余震,引用的是中国国家地震网的数据。Xinhua reported the two recent aftershocks at 5.4 and 5.7 magnitudes, citing the China National Seismological Network.

上周日,中国地震局对震级进行修订,由里氏7.8级修订为里氏8.0级。And on Sunday, China Seismological Bureau revised the magnitude of the earthquake from 7.8 to 8.0 on the Richter scale.

中国地震局要求各台网每月上网传输地震目录,并提供了文件格式。China Seismological Bureau requires each network to transmit earthquake catalogue every month in a special document form.

早在1970年,国家地震局就把辽宁省确定为地震高风险地区。As early as 1970, the State Seismological Bureau, had identified the Liaoning Province as an area of high earthquake risk.

早在上个世纪70年代,中国国家地震局就将辽宁省列入了地震危险区。As early as 1970, the State Seismological Bureau in China had identified Liaoning Province as a high earthquake-prone area.

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本文讨论了海城地震的一系列地震学研究问题。In this paper, a series of seismological problems relating to the 1975 Haicheng Earthquake, Liaoning Province are discussed.

另外,经过对地震参数的详细测定后,中国地震局已将该次地震震级从7.8级修订为8.0级。Meanwhile, the China Seismological Bureau Sunday revised the magnitude of the earthquake from 7.8 to 8.0 on the Richter scale.

菲律宾地震局发表声明称国内南部地区遭遇三次连续地震。Philippine seismological authorities have reported three earthquakes have struck the southern part of the country in succession.