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要不要再赛一盘?Do you want a rematch?

在第二次比赛中,日本队赢了两英里。In the rematch the Japanese won by two miles.

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科比-布莱恩特与他的洛杉矶湖人想再跟你们过招。Kobe Bryant and his Los Angeles Lakers want a rematch.

但仅几个月之后,阿里又从里昂手中夺回了拳王金腰带。But only a few months later, Ali won a rematch and regained the title.

印度失败了,但印度决心如果再一次发生战争不会再一次失败。The Indians lost, and are determined not to lose again if there is a rematch.

看来周三对拜仁的次回合比赛,曼联得好好找找自己新的动力源了。United now have to rediscover their dynamism for Wednesday's rematch with Bayern.

在第二次比赛中,日本队赢了两英里。因此,美国公司解雇了划桨员。In the rematch the Japanese won by two miles. So the American company fired the rower.

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基于内容的查询和检索是一个逐步求精的过程,存在一个特征调整、重新匹配的循环过程。CBIR is a gradually precision process. There is a feature adjustment and rematch process in it.

到了春天,怀特州长看上去已经无力赢得连任,我于是开始考虑再次竞选州长。By the spring, the governor looked vulnerable in the next election and I began to think of a rematch.

没有「再比一回」或「三次定输赢」,他知道他将在更大的游戏中胜出。There was no, "let's have a rematch", or "best out of three". He knew he was about to win a bigger game.

自从2007年,恰加耶夫点数战胜7英尺的巨兽以来,这已经是第三次取消重赛了。It was the third time a rematch between the two was canceled since Chagaev outpointed the 7-footer in 2007.

如果与阿图罗?加蒂重赛比统一拳王赚钱更多的话,我就选择加蒂。If a rematch with Arturo Gatti would provide me a bigger purse than an unification fight, I would fight Arturo.

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如果湖凯大战最终再次上演,那接下来三周将会有两场常规赛预热。As far as a Boston rematch with the Lakers goes, both regular-season meetings will come in the next three weeks.

如果掘金那场再赢了超音速?那么他们就可以避免在季后赛首轮遇到湖人。If the Nuggets had won that rematch with Seattle? They would have avoided playing the Lakers in the first round.

悟空和天津饭也必须通过一场友谊赛的再次较量来决定谁将争得一个决赛的席位。Goku and Tien Shinhan must fight one another in a friendly rematch to claim the last remaining spot for the semi-finals.

此外,迈阿密在两队本季的第一场交锋中取胜,只要在3月10号再次拿下就能占得先机。Also, Miami won the first meeting between the teams and would own the tiebreaker with a victory in the rematch on March 10.

湖人西部决赛淘汰老鹰之后和凯尔特人争夺NBA总冠军。The Lakers then earned a rematch against the Celtics for the NBA crown by besting St. Louis in the Western Division Finals.

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顺利地从小组赛出线后,英格兰与西德在四分之一决赛相遇,1966年决赛的翻版。After the group stage had been safely negotiated, England faced West Germany in the quarter-final, in a rematch of the 1966 final.

而事实是,如果运气在魔术这边,他们离到总决赛复仇湖人只差一个系列赛。And the reality is that if luck were on Orlando's side, they'd have been just a series away from a Finals rematch with the Lakers.

尽管最终的结论,是压倒性地对帕弗里克有利。但是数字显示对泰勒来说,还是有希望进入重赛。Though the ultimate result was overwhelmingly in Pavlik's favor, the numbers bear out some hope for Taylor going into the rematch.