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加速度计和支持多点触摸。Supports accelerometer and multi-touch.

这个程序利用了手机的加速度计量器识别是否跌倒。It used the phone’s accelerometer to sense a fall.

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你可以通过重力感应控制飞机俯冲和爬升。You control pitch and roll with the accelerometer.

介绍一种新型光纤非接触加速度计。A novel non-contact fiber optic accelerometer is presented.

经过一段时间至最后加速度测量。Amount of time passed since last accelerometer measurement.

成本低,10克,带模拟输出的双轴加速度计。Low cost, 10g, dual axis accelerometer with analog outputs.

新的传感器API,结合了指南针,回转仪,和加速技术New sensor API combines compass, gyroscope, and accelerometer.

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这样一款基于重力感应的游戏非常适合这一模式。An accelerometer based game is a perfect fit for this interface.

压电式加速度变送器是一种常用的加速度计。The piezoelectric acceleration sensor is a kind of common accelerometer.

方向和加速表传感器都提供三个数据值。The orientation and accelerometer sensors each provide three data values.

石英谐振器是石英振梁式加速度计的关键部件。Quartz resonator is a key part of the quartz vibrating beam accelerometer.

摆式加速度计的设计与陀螺设计有很多共同之处。The pendulous accelerometer design had much in common with the gyro design.

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模型中装有小型加速器用以记录其运动状态的数据。A small recording accelerometer in the model furnishes data on its behavior.

该三轴加速度计用于在同一时间收集三方向的振动数据。Triaxial accelerometer to collect vibration data in 3 directions at one time.

同时采取了二元调宽脉冲加矩方式的再平衡回路。A binary width-modulated pulse rebalance loop is applied in the accelerometer.

另一项专利则描述了一种装有加速度计的无线耳机。Another application refers to a wireless headset equipped with an accelerometer.

下井仪器的方位由一个三轴加速度计和三个磁力计测量。The tool orientation is made by a triaxial accelerometer and three magnetometers.

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每执行一次主程序循环都将从加速计传感器中读取新的值。Each pass of the main program loop reads new values from the accelerometer sensors.

并且加入了加速器和陀螺达到运动控制效果。The device also contains an accelerometer and a gyro sensor for full motion controls.

它配备了现代双轴加速度跟踪的严重性你的动作。It features a modern dual-axis accelerometer to track the magnitude of your movements.