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嘿,教练,什么是烤架?Hey coach. What's the gridiron?

她在烤架上翻著饼。She turned a cake on the gridiron.

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他的名字在英国议会备受谴责。His name was on the gridiron at Westminster.

我还拿了两把小铜壶,一只煮巧克力的铜锅和一把烤东西用的铁钯。As also two little brass kettles, a copper pot to make chocolate, and a gridiron.

在相当长的时间里,美式橄榄球只不过是足球在美国的一种形式而已。For many years, the gridiron game was only one of many forms of football played in America.

一个可以借鉴的教训,许多戏剧的橄榄球和所有周围的喧闹。One can draw many lessons from the drama on the gridiron and all the hoopla surrounding it.

两周后,在一场针对当地竞争对手刷子,勒布朗就象要他回来就多格。Weeks later, in a game against local rival Brush, LeBron felt like he was back on the gridiron.

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橄榄球赛场促销活动时我们九月的促销活动,与足球有关。什么比扑克和足球更好呢?Gridiron grind is our September promotion that is football related. What's better than poker and football?

前议员曾是著名的四分卫并把该容易延伸到政治生涯上,他还支持降低税额。The former pro quarterback turned fame on the gridiron into a career in national politics and a crusade for lower taxes.

对于大多数美国球迷来说,football指的是国家橄榄球联盟和大学生橄榄球队的橄榄球运动。For most US sports fans, of course, "football" means the gridiron game of the National Football League and college teams.

周六是第一天杯比赛的开始,让特拉华大学和特拉华州立大学站到了橄榄球场上。Saturday is the inaugural First Day Cup, pitting the University of Delaware versus Delaware State University on the gridiron.

“烤架俱乐部”每年都会举办年度记者晚宴,记者们可以在晚宴上演唱歌曲或表演滑稽短剧讽刺民主共和两大党派的人士。The Gridiron Club holds an annual dinner at which journalists put on songs and skits lampooning Democrats and Republicans alike.

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每年春季都有三场媒体聚餐会,分别由格里迪朗俱乐部、白宫通讯员和广播电视记者举办。Every spring there are three press dinners, hosted by the Gridiron Club, the White House correspondents, and the radio and television correspondents.

文中以自主研制的可见光双目视觉定位系统为平台,提出了选用黑白棋盘格标记物简化立体匹配过程的方法。A new idea that adopts the gridiron pattern marker to simplify the stereo matching process was presented in the self-developed binocular vision positioning system.

这位美国商人拥有自己的橄榄球俱乐部“新英格兰爱国者”,但是承认世界范围内足球的狂热使得英超联赛更加具有诱惑力。The American businessman owns gridiron franchise New England Patriots, but admits that the global dominance of the round ball game makes the Premier League appealing.

所以,当我的丈夫的同事看到这位球场球星在一排排书架间游荡,一脸迷惑时,她问道是否能够帮忙。So when my husband's co-worker saw the gridiron star roaming the stacks looking confused, she asked how she could help. "I have to read a play by Shakespeare, " he said.

许多为此煽风点火的记者出席了三月二十一日在华盛顿举办的白领烧烤晚宴,晚宴上表演的无非就是那些愚蠢的载歌载舞的俗套内容。Many of the journalists who had been fanning the flames of anger attended a white-tie Gridiron Dinner in Washington on March 21st to perform silly song-and-dance routines.

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介绍了用微差水压爆破一次性拆除一个多格容器式钢筋混凝土构筑物的工程实例。In this paper, an engineering example of once through demolition of a gridiron container reinforced concrete structure by millisecond water pressure blasting is briefly introduced.

如今在美国位居主导地位的橄榄球球场式样是在19世纪后期逐渐演变而来,也起源于从不列颠传到美利坚的英式橄榄球和英式足球两项运动。The gridiron style that now holds sway in America evolved in the later 19th century, from versions of rugby and association football that had been imported to the United States from Britain.

佩顿.曼宁是致力于将橄榄球引入奥运项目的排头兵,他正在鼓舞公众去联名请愿——让橄榄球在奥运的赛场上占有一席之地。Peyton Manning is currently spearheading an effort to have football included in the Olympics, and is encouraging the public to sign a petition to give the gridiron its place in the competition.