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这消息我是间接听来的。I heard the news indirectly.

因此它试图间接地控制它们。So it tries to control them indirectly.

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我直接通过我的博客赚钱。I make money indirectly through my blog.

劳动力的价格也被变相的压低了。The price of labor is indirectly suppressed, too.

诸如这些灾害能直接或间接致人死地。Disasters like these can kill directly or indirectly.

这实际上成了万hm2间接基础。This actually became the groundwork for HM2 indirectly.

具有直接或间接加热的阴极的电子管四极管。Tube tetrode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.

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时间可以由这些量间接推出So time can be indirectly inferred from these quantities.

这种转换可以直接或间接发生。The translation can happen either directly or indirectly.

您可以直接或间接地回复给该用户。You can reply to that user, either directly or indirectly.

同时帮自己的儿子,母猩猩也就间接地稳固了自己的地位。In helping her sons, she indirectly guarantees her own success.

客户利用DFTT直接或间接参与在任何类型的欺诈。Client involves DFTT directly or indirectly in any type of fraud.

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客户利用丹迪直接或间接参与在任何类型的欺诈。Client involves Dandy directly or indirectly in any type of fraud.

是因为她是间接害死清儿的凶手?Because is she the murderer that indirectly harms to dead pure son?

当时那里是由法国间接操控的傀儡政府统治。The area was indirectly ruled by the French through a puppet emperor.

文献报道迷走传入直接或间接投射至多个脑区。Vagal afferents project directly or indirectly to several brain areas.

通过站点间消息服务间接执行复制操作。Perform replication indirectly through the Inter-Site Messaging Service.

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下一步我建议你不要直接或间接自断后路。Next I recommend that you do not directly or indirectly burn any bridges.

它甚至有助于对超弦理论的某些方面进行间接的检测。It may even help to indirectly test some components of superstring theory.

耍脾气是用过行为间接地表达情绪。Acting out is indirectly expressing feelings and emotions through behavior.