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附终止期限的合同,自期限届满时失效。The expiration of contract is coming.

失效日期见外包装。The expiration date is on the package.

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过期监视是缺省启用的。Expiration monitoring is on by default.

增加呼气潮气容积。Increases the expiration humidity volume.

而且这个未来是有截止期的。And it's a vision that has an expiration date.

这个学生卡有期限吗?Does the student card have an expiration date?

在默认情况下,过期时间设置为一小时。The expiration time is set by default to one hour.

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上举,吸气,然后放下,呼气。Raising up, inspiration, then laying down, expiration.

另外,要注意保质期或者最晚饮用日期。Also, pay attention to the expiration or "use by" date.

检查截止日期,确保你没有买到快过期的食物。Check expiration dates so you don’t buy short-dated food.

劳动合同期满,即行终止。This contract shall be terminated on the expiration date.

我们可以在代理协议期满时续订。We can renew the agreement of agency upon its expiration.

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我们可以在代理协议期满时续订。We can renew the a GREement of agency upon its expiration.

两臂弯曲时吸气,撑直时呼气。Two arms curving and inspiration, supporting and expiration.

可否告诉我您的信用卡卡号及有效期限。Could you give me your credit card number and expiration date?

杰若米想要在期满日前将他的帐户延期。Jeremy wanted to renew his account before the expiration date.

为其指定一个密码,并清除密码过期标志。Assign a password to it, and clear the password expiration flag.

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一些冷冻食品的到期日期都写在包装上。Some refrigerated foods have expiration dates on their packages.

而这蛆还有一个很酷的,工业化以前的终止日期。The maggots also provide a cool, pre-industrial expiration date.

用初均速法预测了有效期。Expiration date was estimated by the initial average rate method.