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它像在电影摄制建身房。It's like being at filmmaking gym.

好莱坞依然会是电影制作中心。It will always be a filmmaking center.

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欢迎来到浪费主义电影的世界。Welcome to the world of consumerist filmmaking.

因此,朱先生便来到了电影制作的前线。Chus circuitous path to the front lines of filmmaking.

电影制作是有体裁的,都有强烈的反派角色。Filmmaking is all about genres and having a strong antagonist.

它主要用于摄影、电影制作和建筑之中。It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture.

互联网为电影制作及发行的新模式打开了大门。The Web opens the door to a new model of filmmaking and distribution.

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好莱坞拥有一张通往中国首个电影制片厂的通行证。Hollywood has a laissez-passer to China's first foundry of filmmaking.

他是王家卫即兴创作式电影的金字招牌。And he chalks it all up to Mr. Wong's serendipitous brand of filmmaking.

未来40年内好莱坞依然会是电影制作中心吗?Will Hollywood still be the filmmaking capital of the world in 40 years?

比吉特曾是一位当红女演员,有着五年的从影经历。Birgit was a popular actress with half a decade of filmmaking behind her.

但是,皮克斯“不断趋于完善”的要求,已经改变了他的电影制作方式。But the Pixar emphasis on revision has changed his approach to filmmaking.

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吴艳认为中国科幻电影制作业的发展尚需时日。Wu believes it will take years for China to improve its sci-fi filmmaking.

他曾经并且仍然被认为是先锋制片人之一。Bergman was -- and still is -- considered one of the pioneers of filmmaking.

布达佩斯,长期以来只是电影拍摄的边陲城市,真的可以成为一个欧洲好莱坞么?Can Budapest, long a filmmaking frontier, really become a European Hollywood?

索德伯格打消了外界对他准备从电影界退休的猜测。Soderbergh played down speculation that he was planning to retire from filmmaking.

柯恩兄弟非主流的电影风格也从来没有产生过轰动的票房。The Coens’ critically admired filmmaking has never generated blockbuster box office.

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80年代初期,经济危机的底谷,我刚刚进入电影业。I came to filmmaking in the early '80s, and it was a time of deep economic recession.

于是他决定把曾作为业余爱好的拍纪录片作为一份全职的工作。So, he decided to make his part-time interest in documentary filmmaking a full-time task.

卡希克是一个由不同的电影技术共同创造出来的、独一无二的星球。The Kashyyyk environment is a combination of filmmaking techniques to create a unique world.