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掠夺者能装载两枚地狱之火导弹。Predators can pack two Hellfire missiles.

但愿罪人都被罚受永久的地狱之火。Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire.

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相关人士说,问题在于“地狱之火”的威力太强大。The problem, the sources say, is the Hellfire can be too powerful.

持续时间和延时将更加受到智力的影响。Duration Time and Delay of Hellfire will be more influenced by INT.

“愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。"May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity, " the priest flared.

在训诫的最后,又出现了地狱火。You're getting the last little hellfire and brimstone sermon at the end.

因此如果我未转信伊斯兰教,我能进入天堂并从地狱火中解救出来吗?So if I do not convert to Islam, will I enter Paradise and be saved from Hellfire ?

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守卫黑暗之门的兽人被图拉扬在地狱火半岛击败。The orcs surrounding the portal are defeated by Turalyon on the Hellfire Penninsula.

在确定“地狱烈火”导弹是否已经击中目标时,他也感到了同样的紧张。He felt the same sense of urgency to make sure the Hellfire went where it was supposed to go.

这种可憎的鱼只在地狱火半岛和影月谷的令人恶心的污水中生长。Such a vile fish only thrives in the horrific waters of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley.

因为每个目标都是用“地狱火”导弹来摧毁,所以每一次任务我们都带着极大的热情去执行的,他说。And the goal is to fly each one with the same fervor as one that results in a Hellfire shot, he said.

由赫尔曼德上空的一架无人驾驶飞机发射的Helfire导弹爆炸据说也杀死了6名塔利班。A Hellfire missile blast from an unmanned drone over Helmand was also claimed to have killed six Taliban.

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“地狱之火”还能携带一个“压力弹”弹头,这个弹头能产生致命的压力波,杀死藏在洞穴里的武装者。The Hellfire can also carry a "thermobaric" warhead, which generates a lethal pressure wave against fighters in caves.

此外,他还要学习如何使用阿帕奇直升机上的武器,包括激光制导的加农炮以及地狱火导弹等。In addition, he will have to learn how to use Apache helicopter weapons, including cannons and laser-guided Hellfire missiles.

图拉杨和卡德加率领部队开进了德拉诺,并在荒芜的地狱火半岛上与耐奥祖的氏族激烈交战。Turalyon and Khadgar's forces marched into Draenor and repeatedly clashed with Ner'zhul's clans upon the ravaged Hellfire Peninsula.

现在,血管中流淌着恶魔之血的基尔罗格在地狱火堡垒中等待着你,等待着他的死期……或者你的。Now, with demon blood coursing through his veins, Kilrogg awaits you in Hellfire Citadel, awaiting the moment of his death, or yours.

在操作上,无人机操作员先在可以在20磅的“地狱之火”无能为力的地方实施轰炸,对叛乱者造成更小的火力覆盖。Operationally, Predator pilots can now launch strikes in situations where the 20-pound Hellfire is unusable, giving insurgents less cover.

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冥火爆击是一个早期强大的线上技能,一些属性附加可以让你有更多的属性来造成更多的晕眩。Hellfire Blast is a great spell for the early laning phase and a few levels of Attribute Bonus can give you stat points for additional stuns.

骷髅王从剑端向目标投射一团地狱之火令目标燃烧,造成伤害并晕眩。Leoric launches a sphere of hellfire from the end of his sword, causing his victim to burst into flames. Deals damage and stuns for 2 seconds.

此后“收割机”继续追踪叛军,1小时后碰到了另外2名叛军,并跟踪他们到一个石头堆处后向其发射了最后一枚“海尔法”导弹。The Reaper continued tracking and an hour later spotted two more insurgents who were "followed to a rock pile" and hit with the final Hellfire.