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从犹太人当中蓦地冲出一个彪形大汉。A burly figure bursts from the Jews.

那些橄榄球运动员看上去既高大,又魁梧。Those football players are huge. They look burly.

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站在她身边那个魁伟的男人眼里也含着泪。The burly man standing next to her also had tears in his eyes.

魁梧宽肩,白天里看的话应该是40岁左右,也许还要年长点。Burly and broad-shouldered, forty if he was a day, and maybe older.

别看老板身材彪悍,不要怕他。他是刀子嘴豆腐心。Don't be scared of the burly boss. His bark is a lot worse than his bite.

“有一位人高马大的护士大声冲我问问题,”迈克尔说。Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me” said Michael.

朵瑞斯和她的女儿抓住彪悍的艾伊格雷的一缕头发,防止他逃脱。The two women grabbed burly Ingram in a head lock to stop him getting away.

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“有一位人高马大的护士大声冲我问问题,”迈克尔说。"Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me" said Michael.

今天当我回家的时候,三个壮汉突然走近我。Today, as I was walking home, three burly men suddenly began to approach me.

“有一位人高马大的护士大声冲我问问题,”迈克尔说,“她问我是否对什麽过敏。"Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me, " said Michael.

你更喜欢防守赫尔南德斯还是一个强悍的前锋?Would you rather defend against a burly forward or a forward like Chicharito?

他是身材魁梧,个子很高,长发,眼白多于眼珠。He is a tall, burly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes.

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利恩,电影中的主角,是个带有野性身体结实的22岁小伙子,没有稳定的工作。LEEN, the protagonist, is a wild, burly guy of 22years old, out of a steady job.

他是一个高大身材,长头发,眼球白多黑少的人。He is a tall, burly fellow with LONG. hair and more white than black to his eyes.

中国真得能够接受创业者市场的喧嚣与强大?Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?

威奇是伊渥克战士迪奇·沃里克最大的儿子。The burly and adventurous Weechee is the eldest son of the Ewok warrior Deej Warrick.

而在收获季节,这个身材魁梧的瓜体重应超过100磅,Dixon说。At harvest time, however, the burly cucurbit weighed more than 100 pounds, Dixon said.

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一个体格魁伟、金黄色胡子的波兰犹太人,戴的好象是一顶军帽,自告奋勇当了列车长。A burly blond-bearded polish jew in a sort of military cap makes himself the car captain.

这是一个高大身材,长头发,眼睛白多黑少的人。The speaker was a tall, burly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes.

她发誓看到车子的前面两个座位上各坐着一个高大魁梧的男人。She swore that she had seen two big burly males sat in either seat of the front of the car.