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我是一名月光族。I'm a moonlight clan.

在你们国家有战队吗?You do your country a clan?

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平头族的一个战士。A warrior, of the jarhead clan.

她的辈分比我小。She ranks as my junior in the clan.

卡拉韦家族是一户望门贵族。The carraways are something of a clan.

于是,有了“曾黑”一族。As a result, there "has been black" clan.

貔“指以雪豹为图腾的氏族。"PI"indicates totem clan of snow leopard.

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海口,大宗祠分发-奖学金。Foo Clan Bursary Awards to family members.

如何跟猎头族“过着”?。How to play tactics with head-hunting clan?

老族长眼一黑差点栽倒。Old clan long eye a black almost fall down.

该巴泽氏族赛马传奇。The Baze clan is legendary in horse racing.

他们还保留了氏族社会的痕迹。They still kept traces of the clan society.

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这就是为什么整个家族知道奈提莉已经找到了你。That's how the clan knew Zuleika had found you.

整个部族的人都聚拢过来,把他们俩围成一圈。The entire clan crowds around them in a circle.

客家人是汉民族的一个民系。Hakka is a distinctive Chinese Patriarchal clan.

开明部族,是以太阳崇拜的部族。Kaiming stands for the clan worshipping the sun.

这个部落被邻近部落举行的炫财冬宴所压倒。This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan.

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为拿弗他利人,按着宗族,拈出第六阄The sixth lot came out for Naphtali, clan by clan

我想我会去北方——去加入德纳里峰的那个巫会。I think I will head north —to that clan in Denali.

当地语言的语音支援,更先进的战团管理系统。Native voice-over IP, and integrated clan support.