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西宁到共和150公里,路很好。Road from Xining to Gonghe 150km is good.

鉴定鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫西宁株。The aim was to identify Eimeria tenella Xining strain.

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目前这些专列已全部到达西宁车站待命。All of the trains have arrived at Xining Railway Station.

西宁废旧金属回收那个好?Does metal of Xining used and scrap reclaim that regards?

对西钢新建生产线五机五流小方坯连铸机改造进行了综述。Five strand billet caster at Xining Special Steel Group Co.

西宁市勤奋巷的贸易市场,是我国最大的贸易市场。Xining hard Lane, trade market, is the largest trading market.

方延年,一九四六年生于青海省西宁市。Fang Yannian was born in Xining city, Qinghai province in 1946.

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商务部发言人称,取暖炉预计将于周二当天运抵西宁。The stoves will arrive in Xining on Tuesday, the ministry said.

1929年1月,青海正式建省,以西宁为省会。January 1929, the official in Qinghai province, Xining is the capital.

从西宁出发到甘肃成县有多远?路线?Be how distant Cheng county setting off from Xining to Gansu Province? Route?

采用改良的干重法对西宁地区青稞旗叶光合产物积累进行了研究。Photosynthetic product in flag leaves of highland barley in Xining was studied.

西宁在青藏高原的东端默默矗立了两千余年,孤独、寂寞,一如海上的灯塔。Xining has stood lonely in the east end of Qinghai-Tibetan Plato like a lighthouse.

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在青海,没有一个人能告诉我从西宁到噶尔木有多少班汽车,以及什么时候有。In Qinghai not a soul could tell me how many buses run from Xining to Golmud, or when.

曾先后在中学、大学执教,继任西宁画院专业画师。Has in the middle school, University, Xining Academy of professional portrait master succession.

对西钢新建生产线五机五流小方坯连铸机改造进行了综述。Five strand billet caster at Xining Special Steel Group Co. was revamped with improved functions.

办法对西宁地域252例不孕症病因停止代发统计学论文剖析。Methods Statistical analysis was conducted on the cause of the 252 infertile patients from Xining.

神宗时熙宁三年或元丰中进士,是苏轼定洲知府上的幕僚。Shenzong Yuanfeng in three years or when the Xining Scholars, is prefect of Su Shi's aides Dingzhou.

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有关青唐城布局的研究,有助于了解和研究西宁城市的历史及发展。To study the layout of Qingtang city is conducive to understand and study the history of Xining city.

我们在西宁着陆,又装载了更多的补给品,大量的水,方便面和一个发电机。We landed in Xining and loaded up with more supplies, lots of water, instant noodles and a generator.

西甯机场位于西甯市以东29公里的互助县高寨乡曹家堡。Xining Airport is located at Caojiapu of Gaozhai Township, Huzhu County, 29km to the east of Xining City.