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妇科学是医学的一个分科。Gynaecology is a branch of medicine.

泌尿学、妇科学与性健康趋势。Trends in Urology, Gynaecology & Sexual Health.

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今天来访的嘉宾是妇产科专家陈磊医生。Chen Lei, en expert in gynaecology and obstetrics.

妇科病一得就反复无常嘛?Is disease of department of gynaecology gotten capricious ?

睇妇科要检查哪些地方?。Look askance what place should department of gynaecology check?

有关妇科病知道的请入,谢谢!Ask about what disease of department of gynaecology knows, thank!

妇科病可以通过饮食调理么?Can be disease of department of gynaecology recuperated through food?

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为什么女人结婚后爱得妇科病?。Why to love is department of gynaecology illy after feminine marriage?

问下我现在的妇科病吃什么药最好?。Ask next my present department of gynaecology what drug disease takes best?

妇科炎症严重了会导致什么后果。?。Inflammation of department of gynaecology can cause what consequence badly. ?

请问做完妇科取环术就注意什么?Finish excuse me what does department of gynaecology take annulus art to notice?

什么药物可以有效治疗妇科炎症?What medicaments can treat inflammation of department of gynaecology effectively?

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请叫妇产科住院医师速到抢救室来。Please call the Department of gynaecology and obstetrics to the resuscitation room.

怎么样才能预防妇科炎症的发生?How can ability prevent the happening of inflammation of department of gynaecology ?

有什么水果对妇科炎症起到疗效作用吗?。What fruit has curative effect effect to inflammation of department of gynaecology ?

肚子疼和腰酸是妇科病的症状吗?Are collywobbles and lumbar acid the symptom of disease of department of gynaecology?

请问有妇科炎症是导致不孕育吗?。Is having inflammation of department of gynaecology excuse me to bring about infecund Yo?

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妇科化疗病人。缓解呕吐的方法。怎样补充营养?。Department of gynaecology turns cure patient. Alleviate vomitive method. How compensatory nutrition?

妇科急清宫后应该喝哪种消炎药呢?Which kinds of antiphlogistic drug should department of gynaecology drink after urgent clear palace?

患有妇科炎症的人在哺乳期间可以接受治疗吗?Can the person that has inflammation of department of gynaecology accept treatment between lactation?