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红线就是国界线。The red line is the demarcation line.

泰国将呼吁重新就划界问题进行谈判。Thailand will call for re-negotiations on demarcation.

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“科学”概念已非科学范畴,而是哲学范畴。There is a clear demarcation between science and non-science.

而界标呢是起到标识分界作用的标志。And a boundary marker serves as a symbol of the demarcation line.

薄暮号迎向行星的曙光。The Dusk dove toward the twilight demarcation line of the planet.

上野盆地、笠置山地一直到纪伊山地一线划分的。Ueno Basin, Kasagi to the Kii Mountain Mountain line of demarcation.

这种性别的划分使得研究时样本更容易辨认。This clear demarcation makes it easier to identify a sample for study.

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本文讨论了黄芪属与雀儿豆属的定界问题。This paper deals with the demarcation between Astragalus and Chesneya.

不定胚与合子胚之间不能划分出明显的界限。A sharp demarcation of adventive embryos from zygotic embryos cannot be drawn.

大索罟刚好位于香港海域与大陆海域的分界线上。Big Soko sits right at the demarcation line between Hong Kong and Chinese waters.

如果你们是恋人,请尊重你们的距离、尺度和默契。If you are sweet hearts , please respect your space, demarcation line and privity.

第二章“内在主义与外在主义的划界与概念界定”。Chapter two is about the demarcation and definition of internalism and externalism.

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著名的蓬莱阁就在蓬莱市。在田横山上可以看到黄渤海分界线。It is famous for Penglai Pavilion and Demarcation Line of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea.

大学成绩具有阶段性,第三或者第四学期为分界点。The university result has stages, and the third or fourth semester is the demarcation point.

而积温6900℃则可以作为南亚热带与中亚热带的分界线。The 6900℃ isotherm can be the demarcation line between the south subtropics and middle subtropics.

在此基础上,文章说明了中日之间在东海划界存在的分歧。On this basis, the article shows in the East China Sea between China and Japan demarcation differences.

基于以上几点,论文选择陈昌曙科学与技术划界思想为研究题目。According to these, the author chooses the demarcation thought of science and technology as its subject.

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歼-8各型号都以这两种机型为基础,形成了两条分界清晰的主线。The Model F -8 in these two models are based on the formation of a clear demarcation of the two main line.

神经网络研究了六维力传感器的静态标定方法。By use of neural network, the method of static demarcation of six-dimensional force sensor has been studied.

本文介绍了柯氏音的测量方法和柯氏音强度标定的原理。The measuring Korotkoff's Sound and principle of Korotkoff's Sound demarcation are introduced in this article.