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为便于监管,认证证书的格式由国家认监委统一规定。The format of CCC certificate is set out by CNCA.

华社定于2011年一月举办摄影展。CCC is planning a photo exhibition in January 2011.

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为了改变这种状况,英国政府设立了气候变化委员会。It was to change this that the government set up the CCC.

CCC能有效提高和延续地榆叶片的SOD,POD酶活性。CCC could improve and continue the activities of SOD, POD.

论文对采用电容换相换流器的高压直流输电系统运行特性进行了研究。The system performance of a HVDC link applying CCC technology is studied.

陶瓷城的产品种类繁多,大大地方便了我的采购。CCC has various kinds of products, which makes it convenient to do purchasing.

本产品已通过CCC中国国家强制性产品人证。This product has passed the CCC Chinese National Compulsory Product witnesses.

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直到厄瓜多尔违约一个月前,标普才真正将厄瓜多尔主权信用评级下调至CCC。S&P didn't actually downgrade the sovereign to CCC until one month before the default.

CCC在同一时期能显著提高地榆叶片中IAA氧化酶活性,并且随着药剂浓度的增大而增大。CCC could be able to increase the activity of IAA oxidase as the concentrations increased.

参加第一批数据资源的整理和评估。Each co-founder should participate in organizing and evaluating the first batch of ccc corpora.

本公司产品全部通过CQC或CCC认证,并有完备的质量管理制度。The company's products passed CCC Certification or CQC, and complete quality management system.

所有产品均取得CCC认证和CE认证海外,分布印花布世界。All the products have achieved CCC and overseas CE certification, distribution allover the world.

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零售企业的兴盛,也恰恰在于零售企业的核心竞争力。The rise and fall of the retail business also depends coincidently upon the CCC of the retail company.

EWMA和CCC等控制图在理论上已获得了相当程度的发展,但其实际应用却并不广泛。CUSUM, EWMA, CCC control charts develop well in theory, but not so good in practice, especially in China.

CCC偷工减料,不为这29个西方人提供合适的西式早餐。So the CCC were cutting corners by not requesting that these 29 Westerners have a proper Western breakfast.

在联合政府正式运作一年前,就曾要求气候变化委员会提出未来低碳能源方面的建议。The coalition asked the CCC to advise on options for a low-carbon future shortly after taking office a year ago.

产品通过了VDE、CE、GS等国际产品认证和中国强制性产品认证“CCC认证”。Its products acquired various international testing certificates such as VDE, CE, GS and CCC certificate in China.

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低浓度矮壮素能促进分蘖和地下生物量的积累。Lower concentration of CCC can promote the tillering, increase underground biomass and improve the turf uniformity.

如当日幼儿中心因公众假期恶劣天气或其他原因关闭则不计算则顺延至下一个运作日。Data is collected on the next operating day when a CCC is closed due to public holiday, bad weather or other reasons.

根据双方约定,商城集团不久将选送首批下属宾馆酒店的15名基层管理人员赴日本研修实习。According to the contract, CCC Group will send the first 15 primary managers to Japan for practice in the near future.